

IControl Interface

Defines the basic interactions for controls that implement the Control interface.

public interface IControl :

Derived ↳ ICheckableControlITextControlIButtonICheckBoxIComboBoxIControlSliceIDateTimePickerIElementIGridIGroupBoxILabelIListBoxIMenuINumericUpDownIProgressBarIRadioButtonIRadioButtonGroupISplitButtonIStatusStripITabITextBoxITitleBarIToggleButtonIToolBarITreeView

Implements IValidatable


IControl.Enabled Property

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is enabled.

bool Enabled { get; }

Property Value


IControl.Exists Property

Gets a value indicating whether this instance exists.

bool Exists { get; }

Property Value


IControl.Rectangle Property

Gets the x and y coordinates, and width and height size of this control.

System.Drawing.Rectangle Rectangle { get; }

Property Value


IControl.Selected Property

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is selected in a list.

bool Selected { get; }

Property Value


IControl.Text Property

Gets the text value of this control.

string Text { get; }

Property Value


IControl.Visible Property

Gets a value indicating whether this instance is visible.

bool Visible { get; }

Property Value



IControl.Click() Method

Clicks this instance.

void Click();

IControl.Click(KeyModifiers) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.KeyModifiers keyModifiers);


keyModifiers KeyModifiers

The key modifiers to be used when the control is clicked.

IControl.Click(MouseButton) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.MouseButton mouseButton);


mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to perform the click.

IControl.Click(MouseButton, ClickType) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.MouseButton mouseButton, Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.ClickType clickType);


mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to perform the click.

clickType ClickType

The type of click to be performed.

IControl.Click(MouseButton, ClickType, KeyModifiers) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.MouseButton mouseButton, Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.ClickType clickType, Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.KeyModifiers keyModifiers);


mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to perform the click.

clickType ClickType

The type of click to be performed.

keyModifiers KeyModifiers

The key modifiers to be used when the control is clicked.

IControl.Click(MouseButton, ClickType, Point) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.MouseButton mouseButton, Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.ClickType clickType, System.Drawing.Point location);


mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to perform the click.

clickType ClickType

The type of click to be performed.

location System.Drawing.Point

The location within the control to be clicked.

IControl.Click(MouseButton, ClickType, Point, KeyModifiers) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.MouseButton mouseButton, Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.ClickType clickType, System.Drawing.Point location, Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.Enums.KeyModifiers keyModifiers);


mouseButton MouseButton

The mouse button used to perform the click.

clickType ClickType

The type of click to be performed.

location System.Drawing.Point

The location within the control to be clicked.

keyModifiers KeyModifiers

The key modifiers to be used when the control is clicked.

IControl.Click(Point) Method

Clicks this control.

void Click(System.Drawing.Point location);


location System.Drawing.Point

The location within the control to be clicked.

IControl.Drag(int, int, int, int) Method

Move the mouse cursor from a specific coordinate to a another.

void Drag(int x, int y, int distanceX, int distanceY);


x System.Int32

Starting position at x-axis relative to the control.

y System.Int32

Starting position at y-axis relative to the control.

distanceX System.Int32

Distance at x-axis relative to the coordinatex.

distanceY System.Int32

Distance at y-axis relative to the coordinatey.


Remember that distanceX and distanceY could be negative to move left and up.

IControl.DragAndDrop(IControl) Method

Drags this instance to the target control's position.

void DragAndDrop(Mobilize.QualityMate.ControlInterfaces.IControl target);


target IControl

The target control.

IControl.DrawHighlight() Method

Draws a red highlight around this control.

void DrawHighlight();

IControl.GetAttribute(string) Method

Gets a specific attribute.

string GetAttribute(string attribute);


attribute System.String

The attribute to get.System.String.


System.String A string which contains the attribute's value. If it's not found, null is returned instead.

IControl.GetScreenshot() Method

Gets a screenshot of this control.

System.Drawing.Bitmap GetScreenshot();


System.Drawing.Bitmap The screenshot of this control.

IControl.MouseHover() Method

Positions the cursor over this instance.

void MouseHover();

IControl.ScrollDown(int) Method

Moves the vertical scrollbar down by that number of pixels.

void ScrollDown(int numberOfPixels);


numberOfPixels System.Int32

Number of pixels to move.

IControl.ScrollLeft(int) Method

Moves the horizontal scrollbar to the left by that number of pixels.

void ScrollLeft(int numberOfPixels);


numberOfPixels System.Int32

Number of pixels to move.

IControl.ScrollRight(int) Method

Moves the horizontal scrollbar to the right by that number of pixels.

void ScrollRight(int numberOfPixels);


numberOfPixels System.Int32

Number of pixels to move.

IControl.ScrollUp(int) Method

Moves the vertical scrollbar up by that number of pixels.

void ScrollUp(int numberOfPixels);


numberOfPixels System.Int32

Number of pixels to move.

IControl.SendKeys(string) Method

Sends a key event to this instance.

void SendKeys(string keys);


keys System.String

The keySystem.String.

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