Version 5
All release changes for version 5
5.0.0 Alpha
QualityMate UI Framework Enhancements:
Stability / Implicit Automatic Waiting Mechanism: The QualityMate now has an internal mechanism that waits for the available application. It includes the following sub-features:
Validate Assertions: New Assertions Mechanism waits for the application to be updated. Deprecated: Should() assertions. Use .Validate() instead.
Automatic Implicit Retries: Several implicit waits are implemented in the QM engine to wait for elements to appear or be interactable. This includes a backward retry chain mechanism. The process that finds an element will be retried from the beginning of the chain every time, ensuring changes to page objects or containers are reflected on every new attempt to solve the specified element.
Retry API for explicit user control: Retry class is now available to specify their retry criteria.
Click Interactions API: Integrated solution for different kinds of clicks, including the following parameters: mouse button, single/double, coordinates, modifier keys. Includes several bug fixes for different cases of "click". Deprecated: RightClick, DoubleClick, LeftClick. Use the unique Click() method with the corresponding parameters instead.
Automatically Close Generated Process Tree: Processes created during each test case's execution are killed at the end.
Logger Fixes and Additional Information: A few bugs prevent the logger from being generated correctly in some cases. Also, several new messages are being written to the logs to help diagnose different potential issues.
Desktop Controls Highlight: A new feature to debug common errors with Desktop applications. This is useful to validate that selectors are properly specified.
ContainsPath for IMenu: New feature to validate if a menu contains a specific branch/path of menu items.
Other Improvements:
Refactored Automation Classes.
Simplified Project Files Format.
Increased Test Coverage.
Internal Test Cases Stabilization.
Getting Started Guide for Web.
Nugets simplification and binaries refactor.
First Basic Power Builder Tests Coverage.
Last updated
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