The UiPlayer is a Singleton class, the automation engine responsible for reproducing user-interactions with an application with a user interface.
The way to tell QualityMate to perform the wanted steps is through the Execute method. This receives the UIPlayerConfiguration and an Action containing the steps.
Contains the parameters that allow you to change the default behavior of QualityMate, such as the ExecutionTimeout or the StepTimeout. The complete list of parameters is here.
The Action with the steps to be performed must receive the UIExecutionController. With it, you can interact with QualityMate and request PageObjects using the GetPageObject for example.
These are the exposed methods:
Method | Summary |
Validate | Validates the given operation until it returns true or times out. |
GetPageObject | Gets the PageObject specified. |
TakeScreenshot | Take a screenshot. |
Log | Logs a message to the log file. |
Dispose | Cleanup the object. |
These are the exposed properties:
Property | Summary |
Configuration | Gets the Configuration Manager of the current execution. |
ResultsPath | The location where the log, screenshot, or video are stored. |
LogFilePath | The log file location. |
VideoFilePath | The video file location. |
WebManager | The manager used to interact with the browser. |
After performing the steps, Execute returns a UIExecutionResult. It contains whether it was successful or not, and any Exception thrown during execution.
These are the exposed properties:
Property | Summary |
LogFilePath | The log file location. |
ScreenshotFilePath | The screenshot file location. |
VideoFilePath | The video file location. |
Success | Indicates whether the execution has been completed successfully. |
Exception | Stores the exception if it is thrown during the execution. |
Code example
How to use UiPlayer?
You can use the UiPlayer with the NuGet Mobilize.QualityMate.UiPlayer
. For more information on how to use the UiPlayer, follow this link.
UiPlayer supports to automate one or both technologies combined (Desktop/Web).
The default output will be: {assembly}\UiPlayerResults\{yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm-ss}\
If the OutputPath parameter changes, the path will be the following: {OutputPath}\
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