Test Documentation

In all the different levels of testing, it is necessary to use basic tags and follow some standards to document each test created into the code.

In the image above, it is possible to see the different parts necessary to document each test. These parts must always be in any test and any test level to improve the quality of the documentation. The next points explain each part in detail in order to avoid any misunderstanding:

1 - Feature: This tag is to describe the feature to test, and it can also describe a page or windows to test. However, it is normally a functionality or big feature like the following examples:

[Feature(“Assessment Mode”)]
[Feature(“First Page UI”)]

2 - Summary: It describes in a better way the scenario to test, explains inputs, outputs, the purpose of the test, etc. In addition, it is necessary to add the link of the test created and documented in Azure DevOps, for example:

/// <summary>
/// This test checks the functionality of the login using a correct user and password
/// <seealso href=”https://collaboration.artinsoft.com/ + the rest of the link”/> 
/// <summary/>

/// <summary>
/// This test checks the result when the assessment mode is used
/// <seealso href=”https://collaboration.artinsoft.com/ + the rest of the link”/> 
/// <summary/>

/// <summary>
/// This test checks the good functionality of the buttons on the first page of the UI
/// <seealso href=”https://collaboration.artinsoft.com/ + the rest of the link”/> 
/// <summary/>

3- Test Category: This tag is used to describe a group of tests. It is possible to use only the level of test or to create any other category depending on the context of the projects, for example:

[TestCategory(“Unit Testing”)]

4 - Scenario: This tag describes the scenario to test, in other words, it is used to describe the title of the test to know easier and faster what the test does, for example:

[Scenario(“Login with correct data”)]
[Scenario(“Check the basic use of assessment mode”)]
[Scenario(“Check buttons functionality”)]

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