The following are some of the most common ToDos generated by the Visual Basic Upgrade Companion.
1035 - #If #EndIf block was not upgraded because the expression %1 did not evaluate to True or was not evaluated
The #If #EndIf directives are evaluated by the VBUC preprocessing engine during the preliminary stage of the upgrade process. The current compiler-variable values are taken into consideration to figure out which blocks of code are active and which are inactive. The active blocks are upgraded to .NET, while the inactive ones are copied unchanged to the upgraded code and preceded by this EWI.
Often, conditional compilation directives might be missing and not all code paths will be expressed. Conditional compilation constants can be defined in three different ways in VB6:
How To Set
Project Properties dialog box
Public to all modules in the project
Command line
Public to all modules in the project
#Const statement in code
Available only in the module in which they are declared
Knowing the scope of these constants can help when modifying the code to correct this EWI. If the inactive code is small and simple, it can safely be rewritten manually. However, if the conditionally compiled code is extensive, an extra migration might be required. Different values of the conditional constants can be used for all valid permutations. This will convert previously inactive blocks of code. The results can then be manually merged to get a fully converted code block.
In some cases, it might be possible to comment out the conditionally compiled code segments completely. This will only work if there are no conflicts and the original code can be upgraded without the conditional compilation directives.
In order to apply for this workaround, the original code should compile.
Some inactive blocks of code might no longer be in use. If this is the case, then those code segments can be removed. Special care should be taken when reviewing conditionally compiled code. Locally declared variables do not affect and are not used for the evaluation of conditional compilation directives.
VB6 Original Code
#Const ShowMessage = -1 'True
Public Sub ConditionalCompilation()
'ShowMessage is True'
#If ShowMessage Then
MsgBox "It will show this message!"
MsgBox "This text will not show!"
#End If
End Sub
Public Sub ImproperConditionalCompilation()
Dim show As Boolean
Set show = True
' show is a local variable, and is not'
' used for conditional compilation'
#If show Then
MsgBox "This text will not show!"
'This message box is shown.'
MsgBox "It will show this message!"
#End If
End Sub
C# Upgraded Code
internal static class Module1
internal static void ConditionalCompilation()
//ShowMessage is True
#if ShowMessage
MessageBox.Show("It will show this message!", AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1035) #If #EndIf block was not upgraded because the expression Else did not evaluate to True or was not evaluated.
// MsgBox "This text will not show!"
internal static void ImproperConditionalCompilation()
// show is a local variable, and is not
// used for conditional compilation
#if show
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1035) #If #EndIf block was not upgraded because the expression show did not evaluate to True or was not evaluated.
// MsgBox "This text will not show!"
//This message box is shown.
MessageBox.Show("It will show this message!", AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Module Module1
#Const ShowMessage = -1 'True
Public Sub ConditionalCompilation()
'ShowMessage is True'
#If ShowMessage Then
MessageBox.Show("It will show this message!", My.Application.Info.Title)
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1035) #If #EndIf block was not upgraded because the expression Else did not evaluate to True or was not evaluated.'
'MsgBox "This text will not show!"'
#End If
End Sub
Public Sub ImproperConditionalCompilation()
' show is a local variable, and is not'
' used for conditional compilation'
#If show Then
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1035) #If #EndIf block was not upgraded because the expression show did not evaluate to True or was not evaluated.'
'MsgBox "This text will not show!"'
'This message box is shown.'
MessageBox.Show("It will show this message!", My.Application.Info.Title)
#End If
End Sub
End Module
1050 - Structure %1 may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement
In Visual Basic 6, user-defined types could be passed as an argument in a Declare statement for a Windows API. Actually, we have a feature called PInvoke (Platform Invocation Service) that allows calls to native code and interact with .NET unmanaged code.
In Visual Basic .NET, a structure (user-defined type) passed as an argument in a Declare statement may require additional marshalling attributes in order to be passed correctly to the external function or subroutine. In particular, arrays and fixed-length strings may not function as expected without these attributes.
As mentioned before, we use the PInvoke feature; in this case, the declared statement will be commented and a new struct will be created using this feature in another file.
Add an Imports statement to reference the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace and then modify the structure and the string declaration to include marshalling attributes.
VB6 Original Code
Private Type MyStructure
Name As String
size As Integer
End Type
Declare Function FunctionName Lib "MyLibrary.DLL" (ByVal rs1 As MyStructure) As Long
C# Upgraded Code
//UPGRADE_NOTE: (2041) The following line was commented.
////UPGRADE_TODO: (1050) Structure MyStructure may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement.
//[DllImport("MyLibrary.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
//extern public static int FunctionName(UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.UnsafeNative.Structures.MyStructure rs1);
public struct MyStructure
public string Name;
public short size;
private static void InitStruct(ref MyStructure result, bool init)
if (init)
result.Name = String.Empty;
public static MyStructure CreateInstance()
MyStructure result = new MyStructure();
InitStruct(ref result, true);
return result;
public MyStructure Clone()
MyStructure result = this;
InitStruct(ref result, false);
return result;
C# Expected Code
//UPGRADE_NOTE: (2041) The following line was commented.
////UPGRADE_TODO: (1050) Structure MyStructure may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement.
//[DllImport("MyLibrary.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError = true, ExactSpelling = true)]
//extern public static int FunctionName(UpgradeSolution1Support.PInvoke.UnsafeNative.Structures.MyStructure rs1);
public struct MyStructure
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst = 256)]
public string Name;
public short size;
private static void InitStruct(ref MyStructure result, bool init)
if (init)
result.Name = String.Empty;
public static MyStructure CreateInstance()
MyStructure result = new MyStructure();
InitStruct(ref result, true);
return result;
public MyStructure Clone()
MyStructure result = this;
InitStruct(ref result, false);
return result;
VB.NET Upgraded Code
'UPGRADE_NOTE: (2041) The following line was commented.'
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1050) Structure MyStructure may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement.'
'Declare Function FunctionName Lib "MyLibrary" (ByVal rs1 As UpgradeSolution1Support.UnsafeNative.Structures.MyStructure) As Integer'
Public Structure MyStructure
Dim Name As String
Dim size As Short
Private Shared Sub InitStruct(ByRef result As MyStructure, ByVal init As Boolean)
If init Then
result.Name = String.Empty
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function CreateInstance() As MyStructure
Dim result As New MyStructure()
InitStruct(result, True)
Return result
End Function
Public Function Clone() As MyStructure
Dim result As MyStructure = Me
InitStruct(result, False)
Return result
End Function
End Structure
VB.NET Expected Code
'UPGRADE_NOTE: (2041) The following line was commented.'
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1050) Structure MyStructure may require marshalling attributes to be passed as an argument in this Declare statement.'
'Declare Function FunctionName Lib "MyLibrary" (ByVal rs1 As UpgradeSolution1Support.UnsafeNative.Structures.MyStructure) As Integer'
Public Structure MyStructure
<MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst:=256)>
Dim Name As String
Dim size As Short
Private Shared Sub InitStruct(ByRef result As MyStructure, ByVal init As Boolean)
If init Then
result.Name = String.Empty
End If
End Sub
Public Shared Function CreateInstance() As MyStructure
Dim result As New MyStructure()
InitStruct(result, True)
Return result
End Function
Public Function Clone() As MyStructure
Dim result As MyStructure = Me
InitStruct(result, False)
Return result
End Function
End Structure
1059 - Code was upgraded to use %1 which may not have the same behavior
This EWI appears when a Visual Basic method call is changed to a .NET counterpart that may not have the same behavior as the original.
In most cases, the .NET equivalents provide equivalent functionality, but there can be some cases for which its functionality differs. Most commonly VB6 performed a lot of validations and auto coercions. Unfortunately, there is such a wide variety of cases that might cause this EWI that it would be prohibitive to list them all with possible resolutions. It is, however, important to note that oftentimes these differences can depend on the parameters passed to the methods. Thus choosing a different signature of the same method might provide the desired functionality.
Therefore, it is recommended that the migration consultant research the target and source methods to achieve the desired functionality.
VB6 Original Code
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Public Function CoercionArrayToString(ByRef ByteArray() As Byte) As String
CoercionArrayToString = ByteArray
End Function
Public Function CoercionStringToArray(ByVal ByteText As String) As Byte()
CoercionStringToArray = ByteText
End Function
C# Upgraded Code
internal static string CoercionArrayToString(byte[] ByteArray)
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (1059) Code was upgraded to use UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.StringsHelper.ByteArrayToString() which may not have the same behavior.
return StringsHelper.ByteArrayToString(ByteArray);
internal static byte[] CoercionStringToArray(string ByteText)
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (1059) Code was upgraded to use System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes() which may not have the same behavior.
return UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(ByteText);
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Public Function CoercionArrayToString(ByVal ByteArray() As Byte) As String
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (1059) Code was upgraded to use UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.StringsHelper.ByteArrayToString() which may not have the same behavior.'
Return StringsHelper.ByteArrayToString(ByteArray)
End Function
Public Function CoercionStringToArray(ByVal ByteText As String) As Byte()
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (1059) Code was upgraded to use System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes() which may not have the same behavior.'
Return UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetBytes(ByteText)
End Function
1065 - Error handling statement (%1) could not be converted
This EWI is generated when an error-handling statement is too complex or if it is a pattern that is not supported by the VBUC.
Most occurrences of this EWI will require manual changes to the source code to fix the issue. However, most cases of an error label that is globally called within a function can be replaced by a single try-catch statement with the addition of return statements.
The error handling is associated with the Error Handling upgrade option in the VBUC Tool. You can change it to generate different code.
Public Function ErrorHandlingStatement() As String
Dim ObjD As Integer
On Error GoTo LabelErr
ObjD = ErrRaisableSub
Exit Function
If ObjD = 1 Then
Resume LabelStart
Resume LabelExit
End If
End Function
C# Upgraded Code
public string ErrorHandlingStatement()
int ErrRaisableSub = 0;
int ObjD = 0;
ObjD = ErrRaisableSub;
if (ObjD == 1)
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1065) Error handling statement (LabelStart) could not be converted.
UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume Label (LabelStart)");
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1065) Error handling statement (LabelExit) could not be converted.
UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume Label (LabelExit)");
return "";
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Public Function ErrorHandlingStatement() As String
Dim ErrRaisableSub, ObjD As Integer
ObjD = ErrRaisableSub
If ObjD = 1 Then
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1065) Error handling statement (LabelStart) could not be converted.'
UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume Label (LabelStart)")
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1065) Error handling statement (LabelExit) could not be converted.'
UpgradeHelpers.Helpers.NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume Label (LabelExit)")
End If
End Try
End Function
1067 - Member %2 is not defined in type %3
This EWI appears when an object cannot be typed correctly or a particular method could not be found in the class. This usually occurs in late binding scenarios. In some cases, the VBUC will still be unable to map the reference correctly due to late binding scenarios where multiple types are sent as parameters.
Public Sub CreateObjectExample()
Dim PluginObj
PluginObj = CreateObject("PluginNamespace.Plugin")
PluginObj.Property = 0
PluginObj.Func ("A")
PluginObj.Action (1)
End Sub
C# Upgraded Code
public void CreateObjectExample()
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (7008) The ProgId could not be found on computer where this application was migrated.
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) CreateObject() of type Plugin is being forced to Scalar.
object PluginObj = ReflectionHelper.GetPrimitiveValue(Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("PluginNamespace.Plugin")));
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Property is not defined in type Variant.
PluginObj.Property = 0;
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Func is not defined in type Variant.
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Action is not defined in type Variant.
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Public Sub CreateObjectExample()
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (7008) The ProgId could not be found on computer where this application was migrated.'
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) CreateObject() of type Plugin is being forced to Scalar.'
Dim PluginObj As Object = ReflectionHelper.GetPrimitiveValue(Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("PluginNamespace.Plugin")))
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Property is not defined in type Variant.'
PluginObj.Property = 0
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Func is not defined in type Variant.'
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1067) Member Action is not defined in type Variant.'
End Sub
1069 - Error handling statement (%1) was converted to a pattern that might have a different behavior
This usually occurs when a Resume Next Error Handling Pattern appears. It is a warning because functional equivalence could not be accomplished in this scenario.
The Resume Next error handling pattern resumes execution of the next statement after an error. In the case of structured error handling, the resulting behavior is more similar to an On Error GoTo statement, where the catch statement serves as the GoTo label. For this reason, the replacement done by the VBUC might not be the exact functional equivalent of the original code. In cases where the code is related, meaning if one call fails subsequent calls are likely to fail, then leaving a single try-catch statement could work. Since an error at any point of the process would merely be replicated in the subsequent.
In other cases, the error pattern of Resume Next is necessary when the code statements are fairly independent (a failure in one statement does not affect the error condition of a subsequent call). In order to ensure functional equivalence, it's necessary to add a try-catch (with an empty clause) to each line that can throw an exception. In these cases the main try-catch (generated by the VBUC) is less effective and should be removed.
The error handling is associated with the Error Handling upgrade option in the VBUC Tool. You can change it to generate a different code.
Public Function ComplexErrorPattern() As Integer
F1 (1)
On Error Resume Next
Dim I As Integer
I = 0
I = F2(1)
If I <> 0 Then
I = F4(80)
I = F3(50)
End If
ComplexErrorPattern = I
Exit Function
End Function
C# Upgraded Code
public int ComplexErrorPattern()
int[] F2 = null;
int[] F4 = null;
object[] F1 = null;
int[] F3 = null;
object tempAuxVar = F1[1];
//UPGRADE_TODO: (1069) Error handling statement (On Error Resume Next) was converted to a pattern that might have a different behavior.
int I = 0;
I = F2[1];
if (I != 0)
I = F4[80];
I = F3[50];
return I;
catch (Exception exc)
NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume in On-Error-Resume-Next Block");
return 0;
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Public Function ComplexErrorPattern() As Integer
Dim F2() As Integer, F4() As Integer
Dim F1() As Object
Dim F3() As Integer
Dim tempAuxVar As Object = F1(1)
'UPGRADE_TODO: (1069) Error handling statement (On Error Resume Next) was converted to a pattern that might have a different behavior.'
Dim I As Integer = 0
I = F2(1)
If I <> 0 Then
I = F4(80)
I = F3(50)
End If
Return I
Catch exc As Exception
NotUpgradedHelper.NotifyNotUpgradedElement("Resume in On-Error-Resume-Next Block")
End Try
End Function
2018 - Remove the next line of code to stop form from automatically showing
VBUC converts MDI forms to regular .NET forms but also applies specific conversion rules in order to emulate exactly the same behavior as in VB6. If that behavior is no longer wanted, then just remove the tagged comment and the line of code that calls the Show method of the form.
This EWI will appear in the designer file.
If the MDI form in the VB6 project had its AutoShowChildren property set to True, to simulate the VB6 behavior, VBUC needs to automatically show the form whenever it is loaded.
VB6 Original Code
Private Sub MDIForm_Load()
End Sub
C# Upgraded Code
partial class Form1Child
public static Form1Child CreateInstance()
Form1Child theInstance = new Form1Child();
//The MDI form in the VB6 project had its
//AutoShowChildren property set to True
//To simulate the VB6 behavior, we need to
//automatically Show the form whenever it
//is loaded. If you do not want this behavior
//then delete the following line of code
//UPGRADE_TODO: (2018) Remove the next line of code to stop form from automatically showing.
return theInstance;
void ReLoadForm(bool addEvents)
//This form is an MDI child.
//This code simulates the VB6
// functionality of automatically
// loading and showing an MDI
// child's parent.
this.MdiParent = Project1.MDIForm1.DefInstance;
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Partial Class Form1Child
Public Shared Function CreateInstance() As Form1Child
Dim theInstance As New Form1Child()
'The MDI form in the VB6 project had its'
'AutoShowChildren property set to True'
'To simulate the VB6 behavior, we need to'
'automatically Show the form whenever it'
'is loaded. If you do not want this behavior'
'then delete the following line of code'
'UPGRADE_TODO: (2018) Remove the next line of code to stop form from automatically showing.'
Return theInstance
End Function
Sub ReLoadForm(ByVal addEvents As Boolean)
'This form is an MDI child.'
'This code simulates the VB6 '
' functionality of automatically'
' loading and showing an MDI'
' childs parent.'
Me.MdiParent = Project1.MDIForm1.DefInstance
End Sub
End Class
2045 - Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported in Windows Forms
VB6 Original Code
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
cboBundleName.FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
End Sub
C# Upgraded Code
private void Form_Load()
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2045) Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported in Windows Forms.
Text1.Font = Text1.Font.Change(name:"MS Sans Serif");
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2045) Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported in Windows Forms.
cboBundleName.Font = cboBundleName.Font.Change(name:"MS Sans Serif");
VB.NET Upgraded COde
Private Sub Form_Load()
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2045) Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported in Windows Forms.'
Text1.Font = Text1.Font.Change(name:="MS Sans Serif")
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2045) Only TrueType and OpenType fonts are supported in Windows Forms.'
cboBundleName.Font = cboBundleName.Font.Change(name:="MS Sans Serif")
End Sub
7010 - The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider connection string requirements
In most cases, the conversion of ADO, RDO, or DAO to ADO.NET will require a manual modification of the connection string.
ADO.NET uses different parameters to connect to the database. The easiest way to know the appropriate connection string in the .NET environment is to use the "Data Connections" tool, which can be found in the "Server Explorer" tab of the .NET IDE, to create a new connection to the database and get the complete connection string from there.
This EWI is associated with the ADODB Upgraded Option. You can change it to generate a different code.
Public Sub connect()
'Instantiate the connection'
Set cnConexion = New Connection
'Configure the connection string'
strConex = "DRIVER=SQL Server;Database=NorthwindSQL;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;SERVER=.\SQLEXPRESS"
'Set the connection string of the Connection object'
cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex
'Open the connection'
End Sub
C# Upgraded Code
internal static void connect()
//Instantiate the connection
DbConnection cnConexion = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateConnection();
//Configure the connection string
string strConex = "DRIVER=SQL Server;Database=NorthwindSQL;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;SERVER=.\\SQLEXPRESS";
//Set the connection string of the Connection object
cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex;
//Open the connection
//UPGRADE_TODO: (7010) The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider connection string requirements.
VB.NET Upgraded Code
Public Sub connect()
'Instantiate the connection'
Dim cnConexion As DbConnection = UpgradeHelpers.DB.AdoFactoryManager.GetFactory().CreateConnection()
'Configure the connection string'
Dim strConex As String = "DRIVER=SQL Server;Database=NorthwindSQL;APP=Microsoft Data Access Components;SERVER=.\SQLEXPRESS"
'Set the connection string of the Connection object'
cnConexion.ConnectionString = strConex
'Open the connection'
'UPGRADE_TODO: (7010) The connection string must be verified to fullfill the .NET data provider connection string requirements.'
End Sub
7016 - This property was auto-generated because it is used in WriteProperties but does not exist.
Visual Basic 6 allows the user to add design-time properties to user controls by adding them in the WriteProperties event of the UserControl class, even though the properties are not defined in the UserControl. The following example defines such a UserControl.
VB6 Original Code
Begin VB.UserControl MyUserControl
ClientHeight = 570
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 2265
ScaleHeight = 570
ScaleWidth = 2265
Begin VB.ComboBox Combo1
Height = 315
Left = 120
TabIndex = 0
Text = "Combo1"
Top = 120
Width = 2055
Attribute VB_Name = "MyUserControl"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Private active as Boolean
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
active = PropBag.ReadProperty("IsActive", False)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
Call PropBag.WriteProperty("IsActive", active)
End Sub
When this type of control is added to a form, the form's designer code will look like this:
Begin Project1.Chkx Chkx1
Height = 855
Left = 120
TabIndex = 0
Top = 120
Width = 1815
_ExtentX = 3201
_ExtentY = 1508
IsActive = -1 'True
Since the UserControl does not contain an IsActive property, the VBUC will auto-generate one to provide a single place to fix this issue.
C# generated code
//UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2068) PropertyBag object was not upgraded. More Information:
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (6002) UserControl Event ReadProperties is not supported. More Information:
private void UserControl_ReadProperties(ref UpgradeStubs.PropertyBag PropBag)
//UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) PropertyBag method PropBag.ReadProperty was not upgraded. More Information:
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (1068) PropBag.ReadProperty() of type Variant is being forced to bool. More Information:
active = Convert.ToBoolean(PropBag.ReadProperty("IsActive", false));
//UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2068) PropertyBag object was not upgraded. More Information:
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (6002) UserControl Event WriteProperties is not supported. More Information:
private void UserControl_WriteProperties(UpgradeStubs.PropertyBag PropBag)
//UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) PropertyBag method PropBag.WriteProperty was not upgraded. More Information:
PropBag.WriteProperty("IsActive", active, null);
//UPGRADE_TODO: (7016) This property was auto-generated because it is used in WriteProperties but does not exist. More Information:
private object _IsActive = null;
public object IsActive
return _IsActive;
_IsActive = value;
This code will provide the missing property at design time, but will need to be manually changed to provide the same functionality as the VB6 program. By using the contents of ReadProperties and WriteProperties, it should be possible to manually change the getter and setter of the new property to achieve functional equivalence.
How to prevent the application from exiting immediately after starting
Basic Scenario
The basic scenario is the invocation of the main form of the application from the Main sub. This is described here.
VB6 Application
We have a simple application with a main module which contains the main sub, and a main form that is displayed in the main sub.
This is the code for the main module:
Public Sub Main()
MsgBox "This message should be displayed first"
End Sub
As mentioned before, this application will start the execution on the main sub, display the main form and exit the main sub, keeping the main form open. The application will exit as soon as the main form is closed.
//UPGRADE_WARNING: (1047) Application will terminate when Sub Main() finishes.
public static void Main()
MessageBox.Show("This message should be displayed first", AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));
If we execute this code, the main form window will be displayed and the main sub will not be executed until the main form is closed. To fix this behavior, you need to change the order in the VB6 application, placing at the end of the main sub.
VB6 Code
Public Sub Main()
MsgBox "This message should be displayed first"
End Sub
CS Upgraded Code
public static void Main()
MessageBox.Show("This message should be displayed first", AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));