This section provides different options to upgrade other controls that are common in VB6 applications and that don’t fit in any of the other sections.
As with the previous options, all these components have two alternatives when upgrading them to .NET, one is to upgrade using COM Interop and the second one is to use .NET components.
1. Accusoft
1.1. To Accusoft .NET Version
General Description:
This solution converts the Accusoft VB6 library to the Accusoft.NET component.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Begin AccusoftImagXpress13Ctl.ImagXpress ImagXpress1 ...EndBegin AccusoftISISXpress7Ctl.ISISXpress ISISXpress1 ...EndPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Me.ISISXpress1.CreateDib = True Me.ISISXpress1.CreateFiles = True Dim driver AsString Dim scanner AsString Dim r AsString r = Me.ISISXpress1.Root Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel True Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel False Me.ISISXpress1.CancelImmediateEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Me.ImagXpress1.FileName ="Tulips.jpg" Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomFactor =1 Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomToFit ZOOMFIT_BEST Me.ImagXpress1.DrawTextString 100,100,"This is a sample",0 Dim n AsInteger n = ImagXpress1.PageNbr MsgBox n n = ImagXpress1.Pages MsgBox n ImagXpress1.AutoSize = ISIZE_BestFit MsgBox ImagXpress1.FileName ImagXpress1.SaveFileEnd SubPrivate Sub ISISXpress1_FeederEmpty(ByVal PageNumber As Long, StopScan AsBoolean) MsgBox PageNumberEnd Sub
C# code:
publicAccusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageXView ImagXpress1;publicAccusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImagXpress ImagXpress1_Component;publicAccusoft.ISISXpressSdk.IsisXpress ISISXpress1;...this.ImagXpress1=newAccusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageXView();this.ImagXpress1_Component=newAccusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImagXpress();this.ISISXpress1=newAccusoft.ISISXpressSdk.IsisXpress();...privatevoidCommand2_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){this.ISISXpress1.Output.CreateDib=true;this.ISISXpress1.Output.CreateFiles=true;string driver ="";string scanner ="";string r =this.ISISXpress1.Output.Root;this.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel();this.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel(true);this.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel(false);this.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel(true);}//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. private void Form_Load(){this.ImagXpress1.Image=Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageX.FromFile(ImagXpress1_Component,"Tulips.jpg");this.ImagXpress1.ZoomFactor=1;this.ImagXpress1.ZoomToFit(Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ZoomToFitType.FitBest);Graphics graphics =this.ImagXpress1.Image.GetGraphics();graphics.DrawString("This is a sample",newFont(SystemFonts.DefaultFont.Name,SystemFonts.DefaultFont.Size),newSolidBrush(Color.Black),100,100);this.ImagXpress1.Image.ReleaseGraphics(true);int n =ImagXpress1.Image.Page;MessageBox.Show(n.ToString(),AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())); n =ImagXpress1.Image.PageCount;MessageBox.Show(n.ToString(),AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));ImagXpress1.AutoResize=Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.AutoResizeType.BestFit;MessageBox.Show(ImagXpress1.Image.Filename,AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftImagXpress13.ImagXpress method ImagXpress1.SaveFile was not upgraded.ImagXpress1.SaveFile();}privatevoidISISXpress1_FeederEmpty(object eventSender,Accusoft.ISISXpressSdk.FeederEmptyEventArgs eventArgs){int PageNumber =eventArgs.PageNumber;bool StopScan =eventArgs.StopScan;MessageBox.Show(PageNumber.ToString(),AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));}
VB.NET code:
Public WithEvents ImagXpress1 As Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageXViewPublic WithEvents ImagXpress1_Component As Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImagXpressPublic WithEvents ISISXpress1 As Accusoft.ISISXpressSdk.IsisXpress...Me.ImagXpress1 =NewAccusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageXView()Me.ImagXpress1_Component =NewAccusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImagXpress()Me.ISISXpress1 =NewAccusoft.ISISXpressSdk.IsisXpress()...Private Sub Command2_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command2.Click Me.ISISXpress1.Output.CreateDib = True Me.ISISXpress1.Output.CreateFiles = True Dim driver AsString="", scanner AsString="" Dim r AsString= Me.ISISXpress1.Output.Root Me.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel() Me.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel(True) Me.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel(False) Me.ISISXpress1.Scanner.Cancel(True)End Sub'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior.'Private Sub Form_Load() Me.ImagXpress1.Image = Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ImageX.FromFile(ImagXpress1_Component,"Tulips.jpg") Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomFactor =1 Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomToFit(Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.ZoomToFitType.FitBest) Dim graphics As Graphics = Me.ImagXpress1.Image.GetGraphics() graphics.DrawString("This is a sample",NewFont(SystemFonts.DefaultFont.Name, SystemFonts.DefaultFont.Size),NewSolidBrush(Color.Black),100,100) Me.ImagXpress1.Image.ReleaseGraphics(True) Dim n AsInteger= ImagXpress1.Image.Page MessageBox.Show(CStr(n), My.Application.Info.Title) n = ImagXpress1.Image.PageCount MessageBox.Show(CStr(n), My.Application.Info.Title) ImagXpress1.AutoResize = Accusoft.ImagXpressSdk.AutoResizeType.BestFit MessageBox.Show(ImagXpress1.Image.Filename, My.Application.Info.Title)'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftImagXpress13.ImagXpress method ImagXpress1.SaveFile was not upgraded.' ImagXpress1.SaveFile()End SubPrivate Sub ISISXpress1_FeederEmpty(ByVal eventSender Asobject, ByVal eventArgs As Accusoft.ISISXpressSdk.FeederEmptyEventArgs) Handles ISISXpress1.FeederEmpty Dim PageNumber AsInteger= eventArgs.PageNumber Dim StopScan AsBoolean= eventArgs.StopScan MessageBox.Show(CStr(PageNumber), My.Application.Info.Title)End Sub
1.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Begin AccusoftImagXpress13Ctl.ImagXpress ImagXpress1 ...EndBegin AccusoftISISXpress7Ctl.ISISXpress ISISXpress1 ...EndPrivate Sub Command2_Click() Me.ISISXpress1.CreateDib = True Me.ISISXpress1.CreateFiles = True Dim driver AsString Dim scanner AsString Dim r AsString r = Me.ISISXpress1.Root Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel True Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel False Me.ISISXpress1.CancelImmediateEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load() Me.ImagXpress1.FileName ="Tulips.jpg" Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomFactor =1 Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomToFit ZOOMFIT_BEST Me.ImagXpress1.DrawTextString 100,100,"This is a sample",0 Dim n AsInteger n = ImagXpress1.PageNbr MsgBox n n = ImagXpress1.Pages MsgBox n ImagXpress1.AutoSize = ISIZE_BestFit MsgBox ImagXpress1.FileName ImagXpress1.SaveFileEnd SubPrivate Sub ISISXpress1_FeederEmpty(ByVal PageNumber As Long, StopScan AsBoolean) MsgBox PageNumberEnd Sub
C# code:
publicAxAccusoftImagXpress13.AxImagXpress ImagXpress1;publicAxAccusoftISISXpress7.AxISISXpress ISISXpress1;...this.ImagXpress1=newAxAccusoftImagXpress13.AxImagXpress();this.ISISXpress1=newAxAccusoftISISXpress7.AxISISXpress();...privatevoidCommand2_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){this.ISISXpress1.CreateDib=true;this.ISISXpress1.CreateFiles=true;string driver ="";string scanner ="";string r =this.ISISXpress1.Root; //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftISISXpress7.ISISXpress method ISISXpress1.Cancel was not upgraded.this.ISISXpress1.Cancel(true); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftISISXpress7.ISISXpress method ISISXpress1.Cancel was not upgraded.this.ISISXpress1.Cancel(true); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftISISXpress7.ISISXpress method ISISXpress1.Cancel was not upgraded.this.ISISXpress1.Cancel(false);this.ISISXpress1.CancelImmediate();}//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. private void Form_Load(){this.ImagXpress1.FileName="Tulips.jpg";this.ImagXpress1.ZoomFactor=1;this.ImagXpress1.ZoomToFit(AccusoftImagXpress13.enumZoomFit.ZOOMFIT_BEST);this.ImagXpress1.DrawTextString(100,100,"This is a sample",Convert.ToUInt32(0));int n =ImagXpress1.PageNbr;MessageBox.Show(n.ToString(),AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())); n =ImagXpress1.Pages;MessageBox.Show(n.ToString(),AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));ImagXpress1.CtlAutoSize=AccusoftImagXpress13.enumAutoSize.ISIZE_BestFit;MessageBox.Show(ImagXpress1.FileName,AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));ImagXpress1.SaveFile();}privatevoidISISXpress1_FeederEmpty(Object eventSender,AxAccusoftISISXpress7._IISISXpressEvents_FeederEmptyEvent eventArgs){MessageBox.Show(eventArgs.pageNumber.ToString(),AssemblyHelper.GetTitle(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly()));}
VB.NET code:
Public WithEvents ImagXpress1 As AxAccusoftImagXpress13.AxImagXpressPublic WithEvents ISISXpress1 As AxAccusoftISISXpress7.AxISISXpress...Me.ImagXpress1 =NewAxAccusoftImagXpress13.AxImagXpress()Me.ISISXpress1 =NewAxAccusoftISISXpress7.AxISISXpress()...Private Sub Command2_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command2.Click Me.ISISXpress1.CreateDib = True Me.ISISXpress1.CreateFiles = True Dim driver AsString="", scanner AsString="" Dim r AsString= Me.ISISXpress1.Root'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftISISXpress7.ISISXpress method ISISXpress1.Cancel was not upgraded.' Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel()'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftISISXpress7.ISISXpress method ISISXpress1.Cancel was not upgraded.' Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel(True)'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) AccusoftISISXpress7.ISISXpress method ISISXpress1.Cancel was not upgraded.' Me.ISISXpress1.Cancel(False) Me.ISISXpress1.CancelImmediate()End Sub'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior. Private Sub Form_Load()' Me.ImagXpress1.FileName ="Tulips.jpg" Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomFactor =1 Me.ImagXpress1.ZoomToFit(AccusoftImagXpress13.enumZoomFit.ZOOMFIT_BEST) Me.ImagXpress1.DrawTextString(100,100,"This is a sample", Convert.ToUInt32(0)) Dim n AsInteger= ImagXpress1.PageNbr MessageBox.Show(CStr(n), My.Application.Info.Title) n = ImagXpress1.Pages MessageBox.Show(CStr(n), My.Application.Info.Title) ImagXpress1.CtlAutoSize = AccusoftImagXpress13.enumAutoSize.ISIZE_BestFit MessageBox.Show(ImagXpress1.FileName, My.Application.Info.Title) ImagXpress1.SaveFile()End SubPrivate Sub ISISXpress1_FeederEmpty(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As AxAccusoftISISXpress7._IISISXpressEvents_FeederEmptyEvent) Handles ISISXpress1.FeederEmpty MessageBox.Show(CStr(eventArgs.pageNumber), My.Application.Info.Title)End Sub
2. ActiveBarLibrary
2.1. To DevExpress.XtraBars
Convert ActiveBar2Library.ActiveBar2 classes to DevExpress.XtraBars.BarManager.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As Color = Me.ActiveBarHelper1.GetForeColor(Me.ActiveBar1) Dim X2 AsString= Me.ActiveBarHelper1.GetFont(Me.ActiveBar1).Name Me.ActiveBar1.ShowShortcutInScreenTips = False Me.ActiveBar1.ToolTipController.Active = TrueEnd Sub
2.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load()... X1 = Me.ActiveBar1.ForeColor X2 = Me.ActiveBar1.Font Me.ActiveBar1.DisplayKeysInToolTip = False Me.ActiveBar1.DisplayToolTips = TrueEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As Color = Me.ActiveBarHelper1.GetForeColor(Me.ActiveBar1) Dim X2 AsString= Me.ActiveBarHelper1.GetFont(Me.ActiveBar1).Name Me.ActiveBar1.ShowShortcutInScreenTips = False Me.ActiveBar1.ToolTipController.Active = TrueEnd Sub
3. Component One Elastic
3.1. To System.Windows.Forms.Panel
This option will port the legacy COM control into the resulting application as a System.Windows.Forms.Panel control.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Original VB6 code:
Begin VB.Form Form1 ... Begin C1SizerLibCtl.C1Elastic C1Elastic1 ... EndEndPrivate Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As C1Elastic Set ctl = C1Elastic1 ctl.Align = asFill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub
Partial Class Form1...Public WithEvents C1Elastic1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel...Private Sub InitializeComponent()... Me.C1Elastic1 =NewSystem.Windows.Forms.Panel()...Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As Panel = C1Elastic1 ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub
3.2. To ComponentOne controls
This option will port the legacy COM control into the resulting application as a System.Windows.Forms.Panel control, along with a C1SizerLight control attached to the resulting form which handles the proportional resizing of all the controls in the form, including the mapped panel.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Original VB6 code:
Begin VB.Form Form1 ... Begin C1SizerLibCtl.C1Elastic C1Elastic1 ... EndEndPrivate Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As C1Elastic Set ctl = C1Elastic1 ctl.Align = asFill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub
Partial Class Form1...Public WithEvents C1Elastic1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel Dim c1sizerlight As C1.Win.C1Sizer.C1SizerLight...Private Sub InitializeComponent()... Me.C1Elastic1 =NewSystem.Windows.Forms.Panel() Me.c1sizerlight =NewC1.Win.C1Sizer.C1SizerLight(Me.components)...Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As Panel = C1Elastic1 ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub
3.3. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load()... X1 = Me.ActiveBar1.ForeColor X2 = Me.ActiveBar1.Font Me.ActiveBar1.DisplayKeysInToolTip = False Me.ActiveBar1.DisplayToolTips = TrueEnd Sub
Partial Class Form1...Public WithEvents C1Elastic1 As System.Windows.Forms.Panel Dim c1sizerlight As C1.Win.C1Sizer.C1SizerLight...Private Sub InitializeComponent()... Me.C1Elastic1 =NewSystem.Windows.Forms.Panel() Me.c1sizerlight =NewC1.Win.C1Sizer.C1SizerLight(Me.components)...Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As Panel = C1Elastic1 ctl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = FalseEnd Sub
4. Component One Tab
4.1. To System.Windows.Forms.TabControl
This option will port the legacy COM control into the resulting application as a System.Windows.Forms.TabControl control.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As C1Tab Dim boolValue AsBoolean Dim numTab AsInteger Set ctl = C1Tab1 ctl.Align = asFill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = False ctl.CurrTab =4 ctl.AddTab "Hola2", Me.C1Tab1.NumTabs numTab = ctl.NumTabs boolValue = ctl.TabVisible(1) boolValue = ctl.TabEnabled(1) ctl.AttachPageToTab Me.Command2, Me.C1Tab1.NumTabs -1 ctl.Move 1000,1000,1000,1000End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As TabControl = C1Tab1 ctl.setAlign(DockStyle.Fill) ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = False ctl.SelectedIndex =4 ctl.TabPages.Insert(Me.C1Tab1.TabCount,"Hola2") Dim numTab AsInteger= ctl.TabCount Dim boolValue AsBoolean= ctl.TabPages(1).Visible boolValue = ctl.TabPages(1).Enabled ctl.TabPages(Me.C1Tab1.TabCount -1).Controls.Add(Me.Command2) Me.Command2.Dock = DockStyle.Fill ctl.SetBounds(67,67,67,67)End Sub
4.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim ctl As C1Tab Dim boolValue AsBoolean Dim numTab AsInteger Set ctl = C1Tab1 ctl.Align = asFill ctl.Width =200 ctl.Top =3000 ctl.Enabled = False ctl.CurrTab =4 ctl.AddTab "Hola2", Me.C1Tab1.NumTabs numTab = ctl.NumTabs boolValue = ctl.TabVisible(1) boolValue = ctl.TabEnabled(1) ctl.AttachPageToTab Me.Command2, Me.C1Tab1.NumTabs -1 ctl.Move 1000,1000,1000,1000End Sub
Implements ObjectControlPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Activate()End SubPrivateFunctionObjectControl_CanBePooled()AsBoolean ObjectControl_CanBePooled = TrueEnd FunctionPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Deactivate()End Sub
Public Class clsLogon Inherits System.EnterpriseServices.ServicedComponentPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Activate() Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControl.Activate End SubPrivate Function ObjectControl_CanBePooled() As Boolean Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControl.CanBePooled Return True End FunctionPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Deactivate() Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControl.Deactivate End Sub
5.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Implements ObjectControlPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Activate()End SubPrivateFunctionObjectControl_CanBePooled()AsBoolean ObjectControl_CanBePooled = TrueEnd FunctionPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Deactivate()End Sub
PublicClass clsLogon Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControlPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Activate() Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControl.Activate End SubPrivate Function ObjectControl_CanBePooled() As Boolean Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControl.CanBePooled Return True End FunctionPrivate Sub ObjectControl_Deactivate() Implements COMSVCSLib.ObjectControl.Deactivate End Sub
6.1. To CrystalReports
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Map CRAXDRT and CRVIEWERLibCtl classes and enums to CrystalReports equivalents.
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim objReport As CRAXDRT.Report objReport = objApplication.OpenReport(App.Path &"Report.rpt",1) objReport.DiscardSavedDataEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim tempReport AsNewCrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument() tempReport.Load(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath &"Report.rpt") Dim objReport As CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument = tempReport objReport.Refresh()End Sub
6.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim objReport As CRAXDRT.Report objReport = objApplication.OpenReport(App.Path &"Report.rpt",1) objReport.DiscardSavedDataEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim objReport As CRAXDRT.Report = objApplication.OpenReport(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath &"Report.rpt",1) objReport.DiscardSavedData()End Sub
7. CrystalReport
7.1. To CrystalReport.NET
Conversion of CrystalReport for Windows Forms using a helper class.
General Description:
CrystalReport is a business intelligence application, marketed to small and medium businesses. It allows the user to generate reports based on databases generated within Visual Basic.
Deployment Note:
The VBUC converts the CrystalReport OCX to a helper class.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = App.Path &"/Test.rpt"CrystalReport1.Connect ="DSN="&"kc-qa"&";uid="&"sa"&";pwd="&"administrator"CrystalReport1.Destination = crptToWindowCrystalReport1.Formulas(0)="{} = '{?param1}'"CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0)="param1;Costa Rica;TRUE"CrystalReport1.SortFields(0)="+ {address.line1}"CrystalReport1.SQLQuery ="SELECT address.line1, address.line2,, address.province, address.postcode, FROM BMTAnonymized.dbo.addressaddress WHERE province = 'ON'"CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange ="MySubreport"CrystalReport1.Formulas(0)="{} = '{?param1}'"CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange =""CrystalReport1.Action =1CrystalReport1.Reset
C# code:
...CrystalReport1.ReportFileName=Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) +"/Test.rpt";CrystalReport1.Connect="DSN="+"kc-qa"+";uid="+"sa"+";pwd="+"administrator";CrystalReport1.Destination=UpgradeHelpers.CrystalReport.CrystalReportHelper.DestinationConstants.crptToWindow;CrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'");CrystalReport1.ParameterFieldsValue(0,"param1;Costa Rica;TRUE");CrystalReport1.SortFieldsValue(0,"+ {address.line1}");CrystalReport1.SQLQuery="SELECT address.line1, address.line2,, address.province, address.postcode, FROM BMTAnonymized.dbo.address address WHERE province = 'ON'";CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange="MySubreport";CrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'");CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange="";CrystalReport1.Action=1;CrystalReport1.Reset();
VB.NET code:
...CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath &"/Test.rpt"CrystalReport1.Connect ="DSN="&"kc-qa"&";uid="&"sa"&";pwd="&"administrator"CrystalReport1.Destination = UpgradeHelpers.CrystalReport.CrystalReportHelper.DestinationConstants.crptToWindowCrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'")CrystalReport1.ParameterFieldsValue(0,"param1;Costa Rica;TRUE")CrystalReport1.SortFieldsValue(0,"+ {address.line1}")CrystalReport1.SQLQuery ="SELECT address.line1, address.line2,, address.province, address.postcode, FROM BMTAnonymized.dbo.addressaddress WHERE province = 'ON'"CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange ="MySubreport"CrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'")CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange =""CrystalReport1.Action =1CrystalReport1.Reset()...
7.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = App.Path &"/Test.rpt"CrystalReport1.Connect ="DSN="&"kc-qa"&";uid="&"sa"&";pwd="&"administrator"CrystalReport1.Destination = crptToWindowCrystalReport1.Formulas(0)="{} = '{?param1}'"CrystalReport1.ParameterFields(0)="param1;Costa Rica;TRUE"CrystalReport1.SortFields(0)="+ {address.line1}"CrystalReport1.SQLQuery ="SELECT address.line1, address.line2,, address.province, address.postcode, FROM BMTAnonymized.dbo.addressaddress WHERE province = 'ON'"CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange ="MySubreport"CrystalReport1.Formulas(0)="{} = '{?param1}'"CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange =""CrystalReport1.Action =1CrystalReport1.Reset
C# code:
...CrystalReport1.ReportFileName=Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath) +"/Test.rpt";CrystalReport1.Connect="DSN="+"kc-qa"+";uid="+"sa"+";pwd="+"administrator";CrystalReport1.Destination=UpgradeHelpers.CrystalReport.CrystalReportHelper.DestinationConstants.crptToWindow;CrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'");CrystalReport1.ParameterFieldsValue(0,"param1;Costa Rica;TRUE");CrystalReport1.SortFieldsValue(0,"+ {address.line1}");CrystalReport1.SQLQuery="SELECT address.line1, address.line2,, address.province, address.postcode, FROM BMTAnonymized.dbo.address address WHERE province = 'ON'";CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange="MySubreport";CrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'");CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange="";CrystalReport1.Action=1;CrystalReport1.Reset();
VB.NET code:
...CrystalReport1.ReportFileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath &"/Test.rpt"CrystalReport1.Connect ="DSN="&"kc-qa"&";uid="&"sa"&";pwd="&"administrator"CrystalReport1.Destination = UpgradeHelpers.CrystalReport.CrystalReportHelper.DestinationConstants.crptToWindowCrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'")CrystalReport1.ParameterFieldsValue(0,"param1;Costa Rica;TRUE")CrystalReport1.SortFieldsValue(0,"+ {address.line1}")CrystalReport1.SQLQuery ="SELECT address.line1, address.line2,, address.province, address.postcode, FROM BMTAnonymized.dbo.addressaddress WHERE province = 'ON'"CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange ="MySubreport"CrystalReport1.FormulasValue(0,"{} = '{?param1}'")CrystalReport1.SubreportToChange =""CrystalReport1.Action =1CrystalReport1.Reset()...
8. CSTextLib
8.1. To System.Windows.Forms controls
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Map CSTextLib classes and enums to System.Windows.Forms equivalent.
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim newSidbEdit As CSTextLibCtl.sidbEdit newSidbEdit.Text ="Hello" newSidbEdit.Enabled = True newSidbEdit.Visible = True newSidbEdit.TabIndex =4End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim newSidbEdit As MaskedTextBox newSidbEdit.Text ="Hello" newSidbEdit.Enabled = True newSidbEdit.Visible = True newSidbEdit.TabIndex =4End Sub
8.2. To ComponentOne C1Input controls
By using this option, the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
This option maps:
CSTextLib classes to a Component One Winforms control equivalent.
CSTextLib enums to System.Windows.Forms enums.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim newSidbEdit As CSTextLibCtl.sidbEdit newSidbEdit.Text ="Hello" newSidbEdit.Enabled = True newSidbEdit.Visible = True newSidbEdit.TabIndex =4End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim newSidbEdit As C1.Win.C1Input.C1NumericEdit newSidbEdit.Text ="Hello" newSidbEdit.Enabled = True newSidbEdit.Visible = True newSidbEdit.TabIndex =4End Sub
8.3. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim newSidbEdit As CSTextLibCtl.sidbEdit newSidbEdit.Text ="Hello" newSidbEdit.Enabled = True newSidbEdit.Visible = True newSidbEdit.TabIndex =4End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim newSidbEdit As CSTextLib.sidbEdit newSidbEdit.Text ="Hello" newSidbEdit.Enabled = True ReflectionHelper.LetMember(newSidbEdit,"Visible", True) ReflectionHelper.LetMember(newSidbEdit,"TabIndex",4)End Sub
9. CTTips
9.1. To System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip
Convert TipsLib.ctTips classes to System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip.
By using this option, the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub CommandExecute_Click()... ctTips1.Delay =20 ctTips1.ShowText ="Operation done" ctTips1.Active = TrueEnd Sub...Private Sub Form_Load() Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option1.hWnd,"Adds operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option2.hWnd,"Substracts operand 2 from operand 1 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option3.hWnd,"Multiplies operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option4.hWnd,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (float division) and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option5.hWnd,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (integer division) and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option6.hWnd,"Computes operand 1 module operand 2 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option7.hWnd,"Computes operand 1 power operand 2 and displays the operation result"End SubPrivate Sub TextOperand1_Click() ctTips1.BackColor = vbWhiteEnd SubPrivate Sub TextOperand2_Click() ctTips1.ForeColor = vbBlueEnd Sub
C# code:
partialclassForm1{ ...publicSystem.Windows.Forms.ToolTip ctTips1; ...privatevoidInitializeComponent() {...this.ctTips1=newSystem.Windows.Forms.ToolTip();... } ...}privatevoidCommandExecute_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){...ctTips1.InitialDelay=20*100;ctTips1.Show("Operation done",this.ActiveControl);ctTips1.Active=true;}...privatevoidForm_Load(){this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option1,"Adds operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option2,"Substracts operand 2 from operand 1 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option3,"Multiplies operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option4,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (float division) and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option5,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (integer division) and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option6,"Computes operand 1 module operand 2 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.SetToolTip(this.Option7,"Computes operand 1 power operand 2 and displays the operation result");}privatevoidTextOperand1_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){ctTips1.BackColor=Color.White;}privatevoidTextOperand2_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){ctTips1.ForeColor=Color.Blue;}
VB.NET code:
Partial Class Form1...Public WithEvents ctTips1 As System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip...Private Sub InitializeComponent()... Me.ctTips1 =NewSystem.Windows.Forms.ToolTip()......Private Sub CommandExecute_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles CommandExecute.Click... ctTips1.InitialDelay =20*100 ctTips1.Show("Operation done", Me.ActiveControl) ctTips1.Active = TrueEnd Sub...Private Sub Form_Load() Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option1,"Adds operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option2,"Substracts operand 2 from operand 1 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option3,"Multiplies operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option4,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (float division) and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option5,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (integer division) and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option6,"Computes operand 1 module operand 2 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.SetToolTip(Me.Option7,"Computes operand 1 power operand 2 and displays the operation result")End SubPrivate Sub TextOperand1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles TextOperand1.Click ctTips1.BackColor = Color.WhiteEnd SubPrivate Sub TextOperand2_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles TextOperand2.Click ctTips1.ForeColor = Color.BlueEnd Sub
9.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub CommandExecute_Click()... ctTips1.Delay =20 ctTips1.ShowText ="Operation done" ctTips1.Active = TrueEnd Sub...Private Sub Form_Load() Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option1.hWnd,"Adds operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option2.hWnd,"Substracts operand 2 from operand 1 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option3.hWnd,"Multiplies operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option4.hWnd,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (float division) and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option5.hWnd,"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (integer division) and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option6.hWnd,"Computes operand 1 module operand 2 and displays the operation result" Me.ctTips1.AddTips Me.Option7.hWnd,"Computes operand 1 power operand 2 and displays the operation result"End SubPrivate Sub TextOperand1_Click() ctTips1.BackColor = vbWhiteEnd SubPrivate Sub TextOperand2_Click() ctTips1.ForeColor = vbBlueEnd Sub
C# code:
partialclassForm1{ ...publicAxTipsLib.AxctTips ctTips1; ...privatevoidInitializeComponent() {...this.ctTips1=newAxTipsLib.AxctTips();... } ...}privatevoidCommandExecute_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){...ctTips1.Delay=20;ctTips1.ShowText="Operation done";ctTips1.Active=true;}...privatevoidForm_Load(){this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option1.Handle.ToInt32(),"Adds operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option2.Handle.ToInt32(),"Substracts operand 2 from operand 1 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option3.Handle.ToInt32(),"Multiplies operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option4.Handle.ToInt32(),"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (float division) and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option5.Handle.ToInt32(),"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (integer division) and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option6.Handle.ToInt32(),"Computes operand 1 module operand 2 and displays the operation result");this.ctTips1.AddTips(this.Option7.Handle.ToInt32(),"Computes operand 1 power operand 2 and displays the operation result");}privatevoidTextOperand1_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){ctTips1.CtlBackColor=Color.White;}privatevoidTextOperand2_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){ctTips1.CtlForeColor=Color.Blue;}
VB.NET code:
Partial Class Form1...Public WithEvents ctTips1 As AxTipsLib.AxctTips...Private Sub InitializeComponent()... Me.ctTips1 =NewAxTipsLib.AxctTips()......Private Sub CommandExecute_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles CommandExecute.Click... ctTips1.Delay =20 ctTips1.ShowText ="Operation done" ctTips1.Active = TrueEnd Sub...Private Sub Form_Load() Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option1.Handle.ToInt32(),"Adds operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option2.Handle.ToInt32(),"Substracts operand 2 from operand 1 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option3.Handle.ToInt32(),"Multiplies operand 1 and operand 2 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option4.Handle.ToInt32(),"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (float division) and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option5.Handle.ToInt32(),"Divides operand 1 by operand 2 (integer division) and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option6.Handle.ToInt32(),"Computes operand 1 module operand 2 and displays the operation result") Me.ctTips1.AddTips(Me.Option7.Handle.ToInt32(),"Computes operand 1 power operand 2 and displays the operation result")End SubPrivate Sub TextOperand1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles TextOperand1.Click ctTips1.CtlBackColor = Color.WhiteEnd SubPrivate Sub TextOperand2_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles TextOperand2.Click ctTips1.CtlForeColor = Color.BlueEnd Sub
10. CWUIControlsLib
10.1. To NationalInstruments Library
General Description: This feature maps the "CWUIControlsLib" set of classes to their .NET equivalent in the "NationalInstruments" library. Both the VB6 and the .NET libraries are owned by the same company called National Instruments, so there is no better alternative when mapping the set of controls defined in the VB6 library to .NET. More information about the company can be found here:
This feature maps the "CWUIControlsLib" set of classes to their .NET equivalent in the "NationalInstruments" library.
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component
This option maps:
The fpBtn class to the Windows Button control.
fpBtnAtlLibCtl constants to the DockStyle enum.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() fpBtn1.Enabled = True fpBtn1.Text ="Click button" fpBtn1.BackColor =&H8000000D End SubPrivate Sub fpBtn1_Click() MsgBox "fp Button Clicked"End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() fpBtn1.Enabled = True fpBtn1.Text ="Click button" fpBtn1.BackColor = SystemColors.HighlightEnd SubPrivate Sub fpBtn1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles fpBtn1.Click MessageBox.Show("fp Button Clicked", My.Application.Info.Title)End Sub
11.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() fpBtn1.Enabled = True fpBtn1.Text ="Click button" fpBtn1.BackColor =&H8000000D End SubPrivate Sub fpBtn1_Click() MsgBox "fp Button Clicked"End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() fpBtn1.Enabled = True fpBtn1.Text ="Click button" fpBtn1.BackColor = SystemColors.HighlightEnd SubPrivate Sub fpBtn1_ClickEvent(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles fpBtn1.ClickEvent MessageBox.Show("fp Button Clicked", My.Application.Info.Title)End Sub
12. ListPro
12.1. To native and helper classes
ListPro allows you to display list items, display single records, or items on multiple rows. FarPoint's List Pro fpCombo control will be mapped to a helper class based on the .NET ComboBox called UpgradeHelpers.Gui.ComboBoxHelper. The List Pro fpList control will be mapped to a native System.Windows.Forms.ListBox.
The VBUC is supporting the ListPro 2.0 and ListPro 3.0 versions of the control.
privatevoidForm_Load(){fpCombo1.AddItem("Hello");fpCombo1.AddItem("Hello Again",2); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpCombo property fpCombo1.BorderColor was not upgraded.Color X1 =fpCombo1.getBorderColor();int X2 =fpCombo1.ListCount;int X3 =fpCombo1.Row;fpCombo1.RemoveItem(0);fpCombo1.Clear();fpCombo1.Text="Hi there"; //UPGRADE_WARNING: (2081) AddItem has a new behavior. More Information:"Hello"); //UPGRADE_WARNING: (2081) AddItem has a new behavior. More Information:"Hello Again"); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpList property fpList1.BorderColor was not upgraded. More Information: X1 =fpList1.getBorderColor(); X2 =fpList1.Items.Count; //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpList property fpList1.Row was not upgraded. More Information: X3 =fpList1.getRow(); //UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpList method fpList1.RemoveItem was not upgraded. More Information:;fpList1.Items.Clear();fpList1.Text="Hi there";}
VB.NET code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
fpCombo1.AddItem("Hello Again", 2)
'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpCombo property fpCombo1.BorderColor was not upgraded.'
Dim X1 As Color = fpCombo1.getBorderColor()
Dim X2 As Integer = fpCombo1.ListCount
Dim X3 As Integer = fpCombo1.Row
fpCombo1.Text = "Hi there"
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2081) AddItem has a new behavior. More Information:
'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2081) AddItem has a new behavior. More Information:
fpList1.Items.Add("Hello Again")
'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpList property fpList1.BorderColor was not upgraded. More Information:
X1 = fpList1.getBorderColor()
X2 = fpList1.Items.Count
'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpList property fpList1.Row was not upgraded. More Information:
X3 = fpList1.getRow()
'UPGRADE_ISSUE: (2064) LpLib.fpList method fpList1.RemoveItem was not upgraded. More Information:
fpList1.Text = "Hi there"
End Sub
12.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Private Sub Form_Load() fpCombo1.AddItem("Hello") fpCombo1.AddItem("Hello Again",2) Dim X1 As Color = fpCombo1.BorderColor Dim X2 AsInteger= fpCombo1.ListCount Dim X3 AsInteger= fpCombo1.Row fpCombo1.RemoveItem(0) fpCombo1.Clear() fpCombo1.CtlText ="Hi there"End Sub
13. MemoLibfpMemo
13.1. To System.Windows.Forms.TextBox
Convert MemoLib.fpMemo classes to System.Windows.Forms.TextBox.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As Color = fpMemo1.BackColor Dim X2 As Color = fpMemo1.ForeColor fpMemo1.Enabled = False fpMemo1.Text ="Hello" fpMemo1.Visible = False fpMemo1.ScrollBars = ScrollBars.BothEnd Sub
13.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As Color = fpMemo1.CtlBackColor Dim X2 As Color = fpMemo1.CtlForeColor fpMemo1.Enabled = False fpMemo1.Text ="Hello" fpMemo1.Visible = False fpMemo1.ScrollBars = MemoLib.ScrollBarsConstants.BothAutoEnd Sub
14. PictureBox
14.1. To System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
Converts VB.PictureBox to a .NET native PictureBox control.
This option converts the PictureBox control to .NET PictureBox control from Windows.Forms.
This optional feature maps PictureBox control to its .NET counterpart. It's a control used to display images in Windows Forms.
'Load Image'Private Sub Command1_Click() Picture2.Picture =LoadPicture(App.Path &"\Square.bmp")End Sub'Clear Image'Private Sub Command2_Click() Picture2.Picture = NothingEnd Sub'Paint in PictureBox'Private Sub Picture2_MouseMove(Button AsInteger, Shift AsInteger, X As Single, Y As Single)Static oldX As SingleStatic oldY As Single Picture2.Line (oldX, oldY)-(X, Y), vbBlue oldX = X oldY = YEnd Sub
'Load Image'Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click Picture2.Image = Image.FromFile(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath &"\Square.bmp")End Sub'Clear Image'Private Sub Command2_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command2.Click Picture2.Image = NothingEnd Sub'Paint in PictureBox'Private Sub Picture2_MouseMove(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As MouseEventArgs) Handles Picture2.MouseMove Dim Button AsInteger=IIf(eventArgs.Button = MouseButtons.Left,1, IIf(eventArgs.Button = MouseButtons.Right,2,4)) Dim Shift AsInteger= Control.ModifierKeys /65536 Dim X As Single = eventArgs.X *15 Dim Y As Single = eventArgs.Y *15Static oldX, oldY As Single Using g As Graphics = Picture2.CreateGraphics() g.DrawLine(NewPen(Color.Blue), oldX, oldY, X, Y) End Using oldX = X oldY = YEnd Sub
14.2. To System.Windows.Forms.Picture helper class
Converts VB.PictureBox to a PictureBoxExtended helper class.
This option converts the PictureBox control by using a helper class, but with a high automation level.
This optional feature maps PictureBox control through a set of helper objects to provide equivalent behavior.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
'Load Image'Private Sub Command1_Click() Picture2.Picture =LoadPicture(App.Path &"\Square.bmp")End Sub'Clear Image'Private Sub Command2_Click() Picture2.Picture = NothingEnd Sub'Paint in PictureBox'Private Sub Picture2_MouseMove(Button AsInteger, Shift AsInteger, X As Single, Y As Single)Static oldX As SingleStatic oldY As Single Picture2.Line (oldX, oldY)-(X, Y), vbBlue oldX = X oldY = YEnd Sub
'Load Image'Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click Picture2.Image = Image.FromFile(My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath &"\Square.bmp")End Sub'Clear Image'Private Sub Command2_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command2.Click Picture2.Image = NothingEnd Sub'Paint in PictureBox'Private Sub Picture2_MouseMove(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As MouseEventArgs) Handles Picture2.MouseMove Dim Button AsInteger=IIf(eventArgs.Button = MouseButtons.Left,1, IIf(eventArgs.Button = MouseButtons.Right,2,4)) Dim Shift AsInteger= Control.ModifierKeys /65536 Dim X As Single = eventArgs.X *15 Dim Y As Single = eventArgs.Y *15Static oldX, oldY As Single Picture2.Line(oldX, oldY, X, Y, Color.Blue) oldX = X oldY = YEnd Sub
15. Printer
15.1. To .NET Printer helper class
Converts VB.Global.Printer to a .NET native Printer helper class.
This option converts the class Printer by using a .NET native Printer helper class.
This optional feature maps Printer to its .NET counterpart by using a helper.
Every mapping of VB.Global.Printer will be upgraded to PrinterHelper.Printer.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Command1_Click() Printer.FontName ="Verdana" Printer.FontSize =16 Printer.FontBold = True Printer.FontItalic = True Printer.FontUnderline = True Printer.Print"This is an example" Printer.EndDocEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim prnPrinter As PrinterFor Each prnPrinter In Printers If prnPrinter.DeviceName ="Device1" Then Set Printer = prnPrinter Exit ForEnd IfNextEnd Sub
C# code:
privatevoidCommand1_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){PrinterHelper.Printer.FontName="Arial";PrinterHelper.Printer.FontSize=14;PrinterHelper.Printer.FontBold=true;PrinterHelper.Printer.FontItalic=true;PrinterHelper.Printer.FontUnderline=true;PrinterHelper.Printer.Print("This is an example");PrinterHelper.Printer.EndDoc();}//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior.privatevoidForm_Load(){PrinterHelper prnPrinter =null;foreach (PrinterHelper prnPrinterIterator inPrinterHelper.Printers) { prnPrinter = prnPrinterIterator;if (PrinterHelper.Printer.DeviceName=="Device1") {PrinterHelper.Printer= prnPrinter;break; } }}
VB.NET code:
Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click PrinterHelper.Printer.FontName ="Arial" PrinterHelper.Printer.FontSize =14 PrinterHelper.Printer.FontBold = True PrinterHelper.Printer.FontItalic = True PrinterHelper.Printer.FontUnderline = True PrinterHelper.Printer.Print("This is an example") PrinterHelper.Printer.EndDoc()End Sub'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior.'Private Sub Form_Load() Dim prnPrinter As PrinterHelper For Each prnPrinterIterator As PrinterHelper In PrinterHelper.Printers prnPrinter = prnPrinterIterator If PrinterHelper.Printer.DeviceName ="Device1" Then PrinterHelper.Printer = prnPrinter Exit For End If Next prnPrinterIteratorEnd Sub
15.2. To PowerPacks helper class
Convert VB.Global.Printer to Helper using VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing.Compatibility.VB6.Printer.
This option converts the class Printer through helper using Printer from namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.
This optional feature maps Printer to its .NET counterpart through a helper using Printer from Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks.Printing.Compatibility.VB6 provided by Microsoft.
The PowerPacks provides a Printer object for use by upgraded VB6 code.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Command1_Click() Printer.FontName ="Verdana" Printer.FontSize =16 Printer.FontBold = True Printer.FontItalic = True Printer.FontUnderline = True Printer.Print"This is an example" Printer.EndDocEnd SubPrivate Sub Form_Load()Dim prnPrinter As PrinterFor Each prnPrinter In Printers If prnPrinter.DeviceName ="Device1" Then Set Printer = prnPrinter Exit ForEnd IfNextEnd Sub
C# code:
privatevoidCommand1_Click(Object eventSender,EventArgs eventArgs){PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontName="Arial";PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontSize=14;PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontBold=true;PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontItalic=true;PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontUnderline=true;PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.Print("This is an example");PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.EndDoc();}//UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior.privatevoidForm_Load(){PrinterHelper prnPrinter =null;foreach (PrinterHelper prnPrinterIterator inPrinterHelper.Printers) { prnPrinter = prnPrinterIterator;if (PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.DeviceName=="Device1") {PrinterHelper.Printer= prnPrinter;break; } }}
VB.NET code:
Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender AsObject, ByVal eventArgs As EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontName ="Arial" PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontSize =14 PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontBold = True PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontItalic = True PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.FontUnderline = True PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.Print("This is an example") PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.EndDoc()End Sub'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2080) Form_Load event was upgraded to Form_Load method and has a new behavior.'Private Sub Form_Load() Dim prnPrinter As PrinterHelper For Each prnPrinterIterator As PrinterHelper In PrinterHelper.Printers prnPrinter = prnPrinterIterator If PowerPacksPrinterHelper.Instance.DeviceName ="Device1" Then PrinterHelper.Printer = prnPrinter Exit For End If Next prnPrinterIteratorEnd Sub
16. TDBDate6
16.1. To System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
Convert TDBDate6.TDBDate classes to System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As TDBDate X1.Enabled = True Font1 = X1.Font X1.Height =450 X1.Left =150 Value1 = X1.Value X1.MaxDate ="12/31/2025" Tex1 = X1.Text X1.Text ="New Date"End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As DateTimePicker X1.Enabled = True Dim Font1 AsString= X1.Font.Name X1.Height =450 X1.Left =150 Dim Value1 AsObject= X1.GetValue() X1.MaxDate =CDate("12/31/2025") Dim Tex1 AsString= X1.Text X1.Text ="New Date"End Sub
16.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As TDBDate X1.Enabled = True Font1 = X1.Font X1.Height =450 X1.Left =150 Value1 = X1.Value X1.MaxDate ="12/31/2025" Tex1 = X1.Text X1.Text ="New Date"End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim X1 As AxTDBDate6.AxTDBDate X1.Enabled = True Dim Font1 AsString= X1.Font.Name X1.Height =30 X1.Left =10 Dim Value1 AsObject= X1.Value X1.MaxDate ="12/31/2025" Dim Tex1 AsString= X1.CtlText X1.CtlText ="New Date"End Sub
17. TDBTime6
17.1. To System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker
Convert TDBTime6.TDBTime classes to System.Windows.Forms.DateTimePicker.
By using this option the converted application will not have any reference to the COM Component.
Maps to
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim x1 As TDBTime x1.Enabled = True Font1 = x1.Font x1.Height =600 x1.Text ="New Time" x1.Top =150 x1.Value ="11:32:20" Value1 = x1.ValueEnd Sub
C# code:
privatevoidForm_Load(){DateTimePicker x1 =null;x1.Enabled=true;string Font1 =x1.Font.Name;x1.Height=600;x1.Text="New Time";x1.Top=150; //UPGRADE_WARNING: (2081) Value has a new behavior.x1.SetValue("11:32:20");object Value1 =x1.GetValue();}
VB.NET code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim x1 As DateTimePicker x1.Enabled = True Dim Font1 AsString= x1.Font.Name x1.Height =600 x1.Text ="New Time" x1.Top =150'UPGRADE_WARNING: (2081) Value has a new behavior.' x1.SetValue("11:32:20") Dim Value1 AsObject= x1.GetValue()End Sub
17.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim x1 As TDBTime x1.Enabled = True Font1 = x1.Font x1.Height =600 x1.Text ="New Time" x1.Top =150 x1.Value ="11:32:20" Value1 = x1.ValueEnd Sub
Private Sub Form_Load() Dim x1 As AxTDBTime6.AxTDBTime x1.Enabled = True Dim Font1 AsString= x1.Font.Name x1.Height =40 x1.CtlText ="New Time" x1.Top =10 x1.Value ="11:32:20" Dim Value1 AsObject= x1.ValueEnd Sub
18. TeeChart
18.1. To Steema TeeChart for .NET v4
Convert Steema TeeChart to .NET Steema TeeChart.
This option converts the TeeChart control to the .NET TeeChart control.
General Description:
This optional feature maps Steema TeeChart Pro Activex Control v5 to its .NET counterpart provided by the same company: Steema TeeChart for .NET v4.
Maps to
Steema.TeeChart.Styles.*, the migration depends on the context:
The migration depends on the context, the following classes are used:
Original VB6 code:
Dim ctl As TChartSet ctl = TChart1ctl.Series(0).ClearFor i =1 To 10 ctl.Series(0).Add 500* Rnd +100,"P"& i,65535/ iNext i
C# code:
Steema.TeeChart.TChart ctl = TChart1;ctl.Series[0].Clear();for (int i =1; i <=10; i++){ctl.Series[0].Add(500*VBMath.Rnd() +100,"P"+Convert.ToString(i),65535/Convert.ToDouble(i);}
VB.NET code:
Dim ctl As Steema.TeeChart.TChart = TChart1ctl.Series(0).Clear()For i As Integer = 1 To 10 ctl.Series(0).Add(500* VBMath.Rnd()+ 100, CDbl("P"& i), CStr(65535/ i))Next i
18.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Dim ctl As TChartSet ctl = TChart1ctl.Series(0).ClearFor i =1 To 10 ctl.Series(0).Add 500* Rnd +100,"P"& i,65535/ iNext i
C# code:
AxTeeChart.AxTChart ctl = TChart1;ctl.Series(0).Clear();for (int i =1; i <=10; i++){ctl.Series(0).Add(500*VBMath.Rnd() +100,"P"+i.ToString(),ColorTranslator.FromOle(65535/ ((int) i)));}
VB.NET code:
Dim ctl As AxTeeChart.AxTChart = TChart1ctl.Series(0).Clear()For i As Integer = 1 To 10 ctl.Series(0).Add(500* VBMath.Rnd()+ 100,"P"& i, ColorTranslator.FromOle(65535/ i))Next i
19. VsPrinter
19.1. To ComponentOne C1PrintPreviewControl helper class
Conversion of ComponentOne VSPrinter using a C1Report helper class.
General Description:
The VSPrinter control makes it easy to create documents and reports for printing and print previewing from your applications. It only takes one statement to print plain text or RTF files, and a little more work to print graphics, tables, and formatted text. You have complete control over the printing device and document layout, including paper size and orientation, number of columns, headers and footers, page borders, shading, fonts, and so on.
Deployment Note:
The VBUC converts the Component One VSPrinter to a C1Report helper class.
Private Sub RenderFile()' Set up the document' vp.DocName ="VSPrinter Sample" vp.Header ="Sample||Page %d" vp.Footer =Format(Now,"dd-mmm-yy")&"||"& FileName vp.PageBorder = pbAll'Read file' Dim sText AsString Open FileName For Binary As#1 sText = Input$(LOF(1),1) Close #1'Start document' vp.StartDoc vp.Paragraph = sText vp.Text = vbNewLine &"This is a test of vsPrinter Text property!"'appends to exisitng text.' vp.EndDocEnd Sub
C# code:
privatevoidRenderFile(){ // Set up the documentvp.DocName="VSPrinter Sample";vp.Header="Sample||Page %d";vp.Footer=DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy") +"||"+ FileName;vp.PageBorder=UpgradeHelpers.C1Report.C1PrintDocumentExtension.PageBorderSettings.pbAll; //Read filestring sText ="";FileSystem.FileOpen(1, FileName,OpenMode.Binary,OpenAccess.Default,OpenShare.Default,-1); sText =FileSystem.InputString(1, (int) FileSystem.LOF(1));FileSystem.FileClose(1); //Start documentvp.StartDoc();vp.Paragraph= sText;vp.Text=Environment.NewLine+"This is a test of vsPrinter Text property!"; //appends to exisitng text.vp.EndDoc();}
VB.NET code:
Private Sub RenderFile()' Set up the document' vp.DocName ="VSPrinter Sample" vp.Header ="Sample||Page %d" vp.Footer = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy")&"||"& FileName vp.PageBorder = UpgradeHelpers.C1Report.C1PrintDocumentExtension.PageBorderSettings.pbAll'Read file' Dim sText AsString="" FileSystem.FileOpen(1, FileName, OpenMode.Binary) sText = FileSystem.InputString(1, FileSystem.LOF(1)) FileSystem.FileClose(1)'Start document' vp.StartDoc() vp.Paragraph = sText vp.Text = Environment.NewLine &"This is a test of vsPrinter Text property!"'appends to exisitng text.' vp.EndDoc()End Sub
19.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Private Sub RenderFile()' Set up the document' vp.DocName ="VSPrinter Sample" vp.Header ="Sample||Page %d" vp.Footer =Format(Now,"dd-mmm-yy")&"||"& FileName vp.PageBorder = pbAll'Read file' Dim sText AsString Open FileName For Binary As#1 sText = Input$(LOF(1),1) Close #1'Start document' vp.StartDoc vp.Paragraph = sText vp.Text = vbNewLine &"This is a test of vsPrinter Text property!"'appends to exisitng text.' vp.EndDocEnd Sub
C# code:
privatevoidRenderFile(){ // Set up the documentvp.DocName="VSPrinter Sample";vp.Header="Sample||Page %d";vp.Footer=DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy") +"||"+ FileName;vp.PageBorder=VSPrinter8Lib.PageBorderSettings.pbAll; //Read filestring sText ="";FileSystem.FileOpen(1, FileName,OpenMode.Binary,OpenAccess.Default,OpenShare.Default,-1); sText =FileSystem.InputString(1, (int) FileSystem.LOF(1));FileSystem.FileClose(1); //Start documentvp.StartDoc();vp.Paragraph= sText;vp.CtlText=Environment.NewLine+"This is a test of vsPrinter Text property!"; //appends to exisitng text.vp.EndDoc();}
VB.NET code:
Private Sub RenderFile()' Set up the document' vp.DocName ="VSPrinter Sample" vp.Header ="Sample||Page %d" vp.Footer = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yy")&"||"& FileName vp.PageBorder = VSPrinter8Lib.PageBorderSettings.pbAll'Read file' Dim sText AsString="" FileSystem.FileOpen(1, FileName, OpenMode.Binary) sText = FileSystem.InputString(1, FileSystem.LOF(1)) FileSystem.FileClose(1)'Start document' vp.StartDoc() vp.Paragraph = sText vp.CtlText = Environment.NewLine &"This is a test of vsPrinter Text property!"'appends to exisitng text.' vp.EndDoc()End Sub
20. WshRuntimeLib
20.1. To Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey helper class
Convert the registry operations of IWshRuntimeLib to Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey by using some helpers.
Original VB6 code:
Dim EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME AsStringEXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME ="HKLM\Example\KeyName\ValueName"Dim objWScriptShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShellSet objWScriptShell =NewIWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_ClassobjWScriptShell.RegWrite EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME,"example data value","REG_SZ"Dim regDataValue As VariantregDataValue = objWScriptShell.RegRead(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME)objWScriptShell.RegDelete EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME
Dim EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME AsString="HKLM\Example\KeyName\ValueName"Dim objWScriptShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell =NewIWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell()RegistryHelper.RegWriteValue(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME,"example data value","REG_SZ")Dim regDataValue AsObject= RegistryHelper.RegReadDataValue(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME)RegistryHelper.RegDeleteValue(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME)
20.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Dim EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME AsStringEXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME ="HKLM\Example\KeyName\ValueName"Dim objWScriptShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShellSet objWScriptShell =NewIWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell_ClassobjWScriptShell.RegWrite EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME,"example data value","REG_SZ"Dim regDataValue As VariantregDataValue = objWScriptShell.RegRead(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME)objWScriptShell.RegDelete EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME
Dim EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME AsString="HKLM\Example\KeyName\ValueName"Dim objWScriptShell As IWshRuntimeLibrary.IWshShell =NewIWshRuntimeLibrary.WshShell()objWScriptShell.RegWrite(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME,"example data value","REG_SZ")Dim regDataValue AsObject= objWScriptShell.RegRead(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME)objWScriptShell.RegDelete(EXAMPLE_KEYVALUE_NAME)
21. XArray
21.1. To System.Array
Convert Apex XArrayObject to .NET as a System.Array.
This option converts XArray objects to .NET as a System.Array.
The VBUC supports APEX Control version 1.0.007
General Description:
The XArray object allows users to create arrays with any bounds that you want. For instance, an XArray can be declared with its lower bound starting at 5 or 1000. This kind of array declaration is not supported because .NET arrays are always zero-based.
Original VB6 code:
Dim aTest(1 To 2)AsNewXArrayObject.XARRAYDim lTestP As VariantlTestP = aTest.Count(0)lTestP =aTest(0,0,0).Value(0)lTestP =aTest(0,0,0).Value(0,1,2,3)
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
Dim aTest(1 To 2)AsNewXArrayObject.XARRAYDim lTestP As VariantlTestP = aTest.Count(0)lTestP =aTest(0,0,0).Value(0)lTestP =aTest(0,0,0).Value(0,1,2,3)
Dim aTest()As XArrayObject.XArray = ArraysHelper.InitializeArray(Of XArrayObject.XArray)(2)ReflectionHelper.SetPrimitiveValue(lTestP, aTest(0,0,0).get_Value(0))ReflectionHelper.SetPrimitiveValue(lTestP, aTest(0,0,0).get_Value(0,1,2,3))
22. XArrayDB
22.1. To System.Data.DataTable helper class
The migrated code may change depending on the use in Visual Basic 6.
General Description:
The XArrayDB object implements a two-dimensional array of arbitrary variants. XArrayDB objects automatically shift their contents when rows (or columns) are inserted or deleted. Also, the XArrayDB object is used as a data source for a ComponentOne True DBGrid control in storage mode. You can even use XArrayDB outside the context of True DBGrid, as it is packaged as a separate file, XADB8.OCX, which is not dependent on any of the grid .OCX files.
The XArray object can be upgraded to .NET as a System.Array. However, if this object is used to populate an ActiveX TrueDBGrid control, this approach does not work when the TrueDBGrid is converted to a .NET equivalent, because bindable .NET controls must be linked to controls that implement the IListSource interface such as DataSets or DataTables.
The Visual Basic Upgrade Companion assumes XArrayDbObjects are used for managing a two dimensions array. XArrayDBObjects are converted to a Support class that inherits from System.Data.DataTable class.
Original VB6 code:
'General declarations'Dim x AsNewXArrayDB'Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columns'x.ReDim 0,99,0,3'Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArray instance'Set TDBGrid1.Array= x
C# code:
publicclassXArray:System.Data.DataTableMemberofUpgradeHelpers.XArray.VBUtils//General declarationsprivateVBUtils.XArray_x = null;VBUtils.XArray x{ get{if (_x ==null){ _x =newVBUtils.XArray(); }return _x; }set{ _x = value; } }//Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columnsx.RedimXArray(newint[]{99,3},newint[]{0,0});//Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArray instanceTDBGrid1.Array= x;
VB.NET code:
PublicClass XArray Inherits System.Data.DataTable Member of VBUtils'General declarations'Private _x As VBUtils.XArray = NothingProperty x()As VBUtils.XArray Get If _x Is Nothing Then _x =NewVBUtils.XArray() End If Return _x End GetSet(ByVal Value As VBUtils.XArray) _x = Value End SetEnd Property'Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columns'x.RedimXArray(NewInteger() {99,3},NewInteger() {0,0})'Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArray instance'TDBGrid1.Array= x
22.2. To COM Interop
This feature will take the legacy COM control and create an interoperability code wrapper to make it visible from the managed code. This means the control's functionality will remain the same since it will use the same binary, but the resulting application will depend on the legacy control.
Original VB6 code:
'General declarations'Dim x AsNewXArrayDB'Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columns'x.ReDim 0,99,0,3'Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArray instance'Set TDBGrid1.Array= x
C# code:
publicinterfaceXArrayDB Member of Assembly Interop.XArrayDBObject//General declarations private XArrayDBObject.XArrayDB _x = null; XArrayDBObject.XArrayDB x{ get{ if (_x == null){ _x = new XArrayDBObject.XArrayDB(); }return _x; }set{ _x = value; } }//Allocate space for 100 rows, 4 columnsx.ReDim(0,99,0,3);//Bind True DBGrid Control to this XArray instanceTDBGrid1.Array= x;