Code Understanding Back-End

The Back-End of the Code Understanding Analyzer. In charge of handling requests, connecting to the data sources and returning formatted data.




Common contains important information for the connection between the application and the databases. Also is the component that interacts with the DB Manager.


The controller is responsible for returning the information or response to the requests send by Analyzer.

The requests can be sorted into 3 categories

  • Information requests

    • getAllOperations

    • getAllLabels

    • getContainerJobState

  • Azure requests

    • startContainer

  • Queries

    • excuteOperation

      • System

      • Node

    • excuteCustomQuery


This component will use a mechanism to connect with the database, retrieve the data rows for a query, and finally, return the information in a format that the Analyzer can use, using the graph or dataset models.


This component is simple, using the raw data obtained from a DB it will populate a model to be used in the analyzer.

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