Analyzer (WIP)


Use cases

solution = analyzed project/system/database...

Analyzer (+ backend)

  1. The welcome screen should be a plain analyzer (or authentication)

  2. Load containers from solutions listed by DBM + user containers

    • If the solution doesn't have a container the DBM will create it

  3. Load local files (.PAM, .JSON, .DOT, .CSV (neo4j?))

    1. Send a request to the DBM for a container creation

    2. Create a model for the graph without a container (see Offline Mode)

    We could implement authentications so that only Mobilize employees can create containers.


  1. List every "solution" stored on the AssessmentDB (with container status)

  2. List every container created by a user (not AssessmentDB ) and their status

  3. Create, manage containers using different data sources than AssessmentDB

    • Containers can be created from the AssessmentDB or user files

    • Containers can be shut-down or eliminated

  4. Shut down unused containers (timeout)

Offline mode

  • No connection to the backend and therefore neither to the AssessmentDB

  • The databases can be loaded from local sources

    • Local files (.PAM, .JSON, .DOT)

    • Another possibility (at least for n4j) connect to a DB using public IP (this is something that can be useless due to permissions)

Online mode

This will be the full experience, having access to every feature.

  • Authentications can play an important role, otherwise, anyone can see all the AssessmentDB

Last updated