Release Notes (Unreleased)

This page contains all the information about the new version of the Generic infraestructure nugets.

Generic UI V4.3.3

Configurable checkbox component has been included in the begin conversion page.

New features

In order to add the possibility to execute additional processes (before or after) the assessment or conversion process, a new configurable checkbox component has been added to the begin conversion page.

This new component is disabled by default, to enable it, the following setup must be included into the configuration file called 'default.json':

If the 'InputCheckBox' node is included in the default.json file, the application will validate the corresponding parameters to enable or disable the checkbox functionality, this parameters are:

  • show, this parameter indicates if the checkbox must be visible or not.

  • initialValue, indicates if the checkbox will appear checked or not.

  • additionalParameterName, indicates the name of the key to store the checkbox value that will be included into the additional parameters dictionary on the execution parameters.

  • helpUrl, if this parameter is added, a link will be showed up next to the checkbox and will open the defined URL when is clicked (can be used as a help topic to explain the checkbox functionality).

The 'default.json' file must be added in the corresponding Overwrite folder of the product, following the next path:

In order to define the text that must be displayed on the checkbox and the help link, the following configuration must be added to the product i18n folder, following the next path:

Modify the 'BeginConversionScreen' section of the json file used for translate, to include the new keys fot the checkbox and the help link, the 'LearnMore' parameter defines the link text and the 'InputCheckBoxText' parameter indicates the text that will be displayed on the checkbox:

With this configuration, the begin conversion page will be as follows:

When the 'Start conversion' button is clicked, the value of the checkbox (true/false) will be included into the additional parameters dictionary using, as key, the name defined on the additionalParameterName property in the default.json file.

Controller V4.4.4

On this new version of the Controller, a bug has been fixed.

Bug fixed

Some telemetry events (exceptions) where stored with 'n/a' text.

The ControllerErrorManager has been modified to use the message parameter as Exception message if the Exception parameter is null on the ReportCodeProcessorErrorOrException method.

Last updated