How to fix issue about config for production in the GUI

The configuration provided by every product in the generic UI in the production.json file was not being applied to the application in their release for production. Here is how to fix this issue.

Follow the next steps to get production configuration in the production release:

  1. In the UI folder of the bundle create a new folder called "config-prod". It should look like this:

2. Inside this folder, create a new file called "default.json" which will contain the same information that is in the file "production.json". It should look like this:

Remember that this new file should contain the information for the production release, for example the instrumentation key for telemetry should be the one used to report in production mode and not for development mode.

3. Talk to DevOps to replace the existing default.json file in the folder config for this new file that was just created when the build for the production release is made.

That's it. The file production.json can be removed because it is not going to be used anymore.

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