Telemetry Monitor 1.0.0

The first release for the Telemetry API & Telemetry Monitor

The Telemetry Monitor is a nuget that provides methods to report telemetry to the telemetry API. It is necessary to configure it using:

The first version of the Telemetry Monitor provides three methods

  • Track Event: Reports an event with the given name (string) and attributes (Dictionary<string, string>)

  • Track Exception: Reports an exception with the given exception (Exception) and attributes (Dictionary<string, string>)

  • Flush:

    • Uploads all the events/exceptions that have not been uploaded to the Telemetry API yet. You can run it in another thread in order to make it a non-blocking call.

    • The Telemetry Monitor has a queue of events and exceptions that must be uploaded to the Telemetry API. Whenever a flush is performed, these events and exceptions are reported to the Telemetry API. A flush is performed automatically every 30 seconds (this can be modified in the TelemetryConfiguration object). However, you can call it manually.

    • You should call this method if you know the application is going to shutdown and you have events that may not have been reported (Mobilize's Telemetry Monitor is similar to Microsoft's Telemetry Monitor in this aspect).

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