How to configure the VBUC light scanner environment

This page has been created to show the steps required to configure the VBUC light scanner environment in order to execute a successfull debug process.

Environment setup steps

  1. Download the VBUC virtual machine clicking here (The file size is approximately 70GB, so it has been separated into a lot of zip files).

  2. Unzip all the downloaded files (It will generates a .zip file that also have to be unzipped).

  3. Enable Hyper-V characteristic. For more information see the documentation.

  4. Execute the Hyper-V.

  5. Create a new virtual machine using the following characteristics (Generation 1, Default switch and 12 or 16 GB of RAM).

  6. When the application request the path to save the new virtual machine, check the option to use an existing virtual machine and select the unzipped .vhd file.

  7. Execute the virtual machine.

  8. Enter to the default company user with the following password: "vbuc2016.".

  9. Open the folder AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree.

  10. Delete the passwd file.

  11. Open the userhosts file and modify the second line assigning your username.

  12. Execute the SourceTree application.

  13. Download the changes (pull) from the develop branch.

  14. Open the windows command prompt.

  15. Access to the BuildTools folder using the cd command (cd C:\repositoryGit\vbuc\BuildTools).

  16. Execute the file CompileAll.bat with the "debug" parameter (CompileAll.bat debug).

  17. Open Visual Studio 2015 as Administrator.

  18. Open the VBUC.sln solution located on C:\repositoryGit\vbuc\src (if an update for C++ files is requested to .Net framework 4.5 or later, press the cancel button).

  19. Within the solution, open the AssessmentWindow.cs file located on VBUC\Manager\VBUMShell\ViewModel\WindowDialogServices\LegacyForms.

  20. Select the View project to start the debug process.

Last updated