Visualizer user guide

System Requirements

There are some features that a few browsers don’t support, for the best experience we recommend using Google Chrome and a widescreen.

Using the Toolbar

This component has two display modes:

Graph visualization mode

Table visualization mode

Extra features

This is an informational component within it you have the Id, Name, and NodeType of the selected node, when a shape or coloring operation based on a property is selected the value of that property for the selected node also will be shown. The footer also has the access to the properties overview, it is in the right-bottom corner.

Properties overview

Displays all the properties of the selected node. You can change the display mode with the button on the top right corner, toggling between the unpinned mode (with dropback) and the pinned mode. When the pinned mode, it resizes the other components to fit in.

Physics settings

It shows the different settings that can be made to the physics of the viewer.

Last updated