RapidScan doesn't generates output files on debug mode

The rapidScan application doesn't evaluates the files from the selected project and doesn't generates the result files on the output folder eather, and shows no results after the process finished

This situation occurs on debug mode from Visual Studio Code using the 'yarn start' or 'yarn run:ui' commands, and consists on an application trust validation executed by the installed antivirus, searching for program signature (not available in debug mode), when an output folder has been created on an user personal folder as 'Desktop'.

This issue has been managed disabling the antivirus validation or selecting a different folder (not into the user personal folders) to contains the output folders.

Recommended actions: Capture the IOException on an individual catch and reports to the GUI to recommend actions to the user.

Note: This situation has low probability to occur at production level because this is a signature issue and all the applications in production has been signed.

Last updated