Release Notes 2021-10-12

Generic UI v3.2.0


  • Font Family defined in a single variable.

  • Principal Font Color defined in a single variable.

  • Predefined title and subtitle sizes for consistency between products.

  • Fixing problems about border color in inputs.

New Variables

-@text-Color: this is a local variable that sets the entire application in same the text-color. It helps us not to be declaring the font-family property in each css configuration.

-@font-family: this is a local variable that sets the entire application in the same font style. It helps us not to be declaring the font-family property in each css configuration.

Changes in the overwrite

This change guide is based on the changes made to the BundleDummy and they can vary depending on the overwriting of your product. The values font family, size and textColor are taken from the new improvements in the image of the products suggested by team of UI/UX.

Adding new variables.

In the file theme.less new variables must be added to be used in the styles of ccs files of the different components and set default values in the style.css of the Generic UI.


1. Set the default @font-family of theme with the value "SegoeUI".

2. Set the default @text-color of the theme with the value #606264.

Changes in CCS of overwrite components.

With this news changes different style settings that are no longer needed.

This list contains the styles that should be removed and their respective files to make them easy to remove:


1. Remove font-family from li.


1. Remove all font-family (.text-result, .text-result-light, .progress_title, .results_title, .report-button, .folder-button).


1. Remove all font-family (.settings-title, .settings-paragraph, .settings-radio, .reset-button, .save-button, .cancel-button).

2. Set with border solid 1px var(--maincolor).

1. Remove font-family from .conversion-completed-title.

Last updated