Release Notes 2021-10-19

Generic UI v4.0.0

Improvements & Breaking Changes

There are three new settings that allow the UI to be resizable. If you don't want the UI to be resizable, then AllowResize should be set to false.








The configuration must be added to the settings in this way:

Breaking Changes

Configuration files

The configuration files now must include the settings that were mentioned above. Otherwise, the tool will not run. An optional configuration could have been included in the code, but we decided it was better to have these configuration values explicit, to make the debugging process easier in the future for someone who does not know where those default values are stored.

Layout of the application

Some pages could look weird:

  • A vertical scrollbar could be displayed when it is not necessary:

    • The proposed solution for this is to change margin-top to padding-top in the container that wraps the page that is not being displayed correctly.

    • In the following image, the solution would be to change the margin-top of the first div to padding-top

  • Some pages will change the way in which their elements are organized. In this case, the best option is to modify the layout in the html for the corresponding page. Use the capabilities of NG ZORRO's layout system to solve this issues (Useful Reference).

    • If you have this kind of issues, do not hesitate to contact a member of the Generic Infrastructure team.

Controller v4.1.2

This section tries to explain the changes included on the controller new version (4.1.2), that implements the new stable version of TelemetryMonitor (1.1.0) that includes the new local storage process for telemetry events sent. For more information about this new process, please read the Documentation.

This new implementation is totally transparent, and any changes must be done to make it work, but the main changes into the controller are the following:

Into the ControllerSettings class a new method called "GenerateMainPathForAppTelemetry" has been added in order to generate the path where the SQLite database file will be created.

The ControllerMonitor class has been modified in order to use the new constructor for the TelemetryClient that receive the path for the SQLite database (if this parameter is not null, the new process is raised up).

Note: The application will generates the SQLite database file into the Mobilize.Net folder created on the user AppData/Roaming directory.


This new controller adds a background process in order to save and send the telemetry events generated by the applications, so it's important to execute the Dispose method or the CloseSession method on the controller in order to stop this new process.

Last updated