How to run the Generic UI in Mac OS

Here you can find information about the necessary steps to run the generic infrastructure in Mac OS and how to debug it.

Steps to run the Generic UI in Mac OS

  1. Some bundles use the Evolution Framework (probably all of them) so they need to be built in Windows First. For example, let's take the SnowConvert T12 as the example for this guide.

As you can see above, the runner needs to be built using the commands build.cmd and then RestorePackages.cmd

2. Build the project, in this case SnowConvertT12Runner in Visual Studio.

3. Run the yarn configure:ui in Windows because it is a cmd.

3. Download the repository in Mac or copy the whole project in a folder.

Try to avoid copying binaries of the bundle and the UI (node_modules and dist folder).

4. Build the bundle in Mac with Visual Studio.

5. Open the folder that contains the csproj and execute the following command: dotnet publish [NAME_OF_THE_PROJECT].csproj -r osx-x64 -c Release

6. Copy the binaries generated from the OS X-64 folder in release folder and paste it in: a) Debug folder of bundle b) UI/artifacts/runner *These folders have to be created.

7. Make sure to add this executable path to the default.json (or in production if you are creating a production executable, or in this case a dmg): ".../../../Runner/hosts/SnowConvertTSqlRunner/bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/SnowConvertTSqlRunner"

8. Build the UI with yarn run:ui or yarn build:dev:all

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