CLI Client

Console line application used to connect to the Database Manager API.


This tool is pretty simple... it connects to the DBM API and that is that

Usage syntax: <> required arguments [] optional arguments



With a given set of .csv files, the tool will compress and send them to the DBM to generate a neo4j database.

The files must comply with the neo4j format and also must be named in such a way that the csv files for nodes end with "Node.csv" and those for edges end with "Relationship.csv".

Usage: CreateDB <CsvFilesFolder> <DataBaseName> <ClientName>

  • CsvFilesFolder: The path that contains the csv files to be imported into a database.

  • DataBaseName: A simple string that will act as the name of the database.

  • ClientName: The owner of the database.


With a given set of .pam files, the tool will process them into csv files that comply with the needed formats, compress and send them to the DBM to generate a neo4j database.

Usage: CreateDBFromPAM <PAMFilesFolder> <DataBaseName> <ClientName> [OutputPath]

  • PAMFilesFolder: The path that contains the csv files to be imported into a database.

  • DataBaseName: A simple string that will act as the name of the database.

  • ClientName: The owner of the database.

  • OutputPath: The path to save the csv files created, if not given the files will be deleted.


Fetch the stored databases and display each of them with the following information:

  • DbName: The name given at the creation.

  • ContainerState: The current state of the Azure container.

  • CreationDate: A timestamp of the creation using Unix time.

  • ClientName: The client name given at the creation.

  • StudioId: The id, when the database is created by a Studio process.

Usage: ListDBs


Deletes the database from the DBM records.

Usage: DeleteDB <DbName> <CreationDate>

  • DBName: The name given at the creation.

  • CreationDate: The timestamp of the creation (Unix time).

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