How to create a license in the new licensing webpage

Here you are going to learn how to create a new license for a specific product

You can create licenses for production or for staging. So the first step is to visit the right link:

Production site: Staging site:

Once you are in the site, you are going to see a log in button

Click on that button! Next, a pop up window will appear asking the mobilize user and password information.

After you enter your credentials, you will have access to create licenses, so click on the Create License button and a form will load in the page.

Required fields

  • Client email: The email of the client where an email will be sent.

  • Client name: The name of the client which the license will be registered for.

  • Company: Name of the company

  • Product: The product of the license

Restriction fields

These fields are optionals, depend on which restrictions will be add to the license.

  • Expiration Date: The date when the license will stop working. If the license does not require an expiration date, leave the field empty.

  • Units Limit: The amount of units (ie: lines of code) that the license can migrate.

  • Execution Mode: Assessment by default. Can be changed to Conversion if the license will be able to migrate.

  • Available activations: The amount of activations the license has. By default is 5.

Once these fields are filled, click on the create license button.

Finally, the license was created. you can click on the clipboard icon next to eh license key to copy the key or you can review your email as well.

Last updated