Release Notes 2021-11-03

Generic UI v4.1.0


  • New typography standarization (font styles of headers and titles).

  • All modals has been modified to use the new font styles.

  • Mechanism for Free product license implemented.

  • User email tag button implemented for Free Product License.

  • New modal notification for logged user implemented on the Free Product License.

  • Fix to resizing implemented.

  • useNullLicenseManager changed to useFreeLicenseManager.

  • LicenseModal renamed to ActivationModal

  • new variable isFreeProduct added to the Global Constants.

Breaking changes:

  • Some texts of the overwritten components can change their expected size or style. See the new typography for more information.

Using the new typography

The new typography recommended by UX will allows us to handle the same standards for paragraphs and titles, in addition to having cleaner .css without constantly declaring size, styles, colors and weights for each element, this new approach is based on the following table:

This typography has been implemented in the styles of the Generic UI using the file styles.css, in the following section is more explained:

Styles for headers:

This .css styles are implemented for the header tags (h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) and are overwritten over default css styles of headers tags.

In order to use this header tags, is necessary to replace the old html header tag for the new one according to the UI/UX defined style, for example:

1 - Find the title you want to change, in this case <h2>

2 - Replace the <h2> tag for the correct one, in this case <h5>

Styles for font-body:

This new style to paragraphs are implemented like new css styles based on the typography table, and should be defined in the attribute class for the different html elements.

To use this styles, we can execute the following steps:

1) Find the html element and the name of css style defined in the atributte class

2) In the style of license-information-userName class, remove all attributes related to the font styles and keep the ones related with the fonts (font-size, font-weight, line-height, letter-spacing) and keep the margins styles. Now, the style can be removed from the whole css style.

3) Now in the html element the new body class can be added, this will load the style defined in the style.css file of the Generic UI according to the corresponding typography table.

Controller v4.2.0


  • Free product license creation process has been implemented.

  • UseNullLicenseManager has been changed to UseFreeLicenseManager in order to support a license manager that only overwrites the validation methods of the LicenseManager.

  • Contracts nuget updated to v2.1.3.

Contracts v2.1.3


  • CreateFreeProductLicense method has been added to the IController interface (v2.1.2 2021-10-29).

  • UseNullLicenseManager method has been renamed to UseFreelicenseManager.

Assessment model v2.6.8


  • Generic Infraestructure nugets has been updated to their last stable version.

  • The nugets structure has been modified in order to remove those that can be loaded by transitivity avoiding reference repetition.

Last updated