Moving RapidScan to the new Infrastructure

Next Steps

Integration with Assessment Web API

The new Assessment WebAPI is currently being implemented.

Integration with the Assessment Model

Differences between the Generic Scanner Output and the Assessment Model


Changes for the Generic Scanner

Implementation of a Generic UI

Implementation of a Generic Bundle

Currently, RapidScan does not need a license to be run. We should look at the CodeProcessor property named RequiresALicense

Check if there is a conflict between not needing the license and then requiring a license in a new version (because of the Auto Update feature of the new infrastructure):

We think maybe auto-update can be Off in the versions which do not require a license


Integration with the new Telemetry

There are multiple fields which are sent from the old Telemetry service (used by RapidScan) but is not sent from the new Telemetry Service. These are some of them

  • Computer Name

  • RunAsAdmin

  • System CPU

  • System Ram

Additionally, the old Telemetry service (used by RapidScan) sents the number of files from each extension. However, the new Telemetry service only sents the extensions found.

This data related to the extensions found is gathered by the CodeProcessor



Assessment Model

Integration with the new Infrastructure

Priorities for the Integration with the new Infrastructure

  1. UX/UI for RapidScan

  2. UX/UI for Generic Scanner Infrastructure

  3. Adjustments required for the Controller

    1. Telemetry

  4. Prepare the Bundle

Last updated