Release Notes 2021-12-15

Controller v 4.4.2


  • The method TryApplyWorkloadToActiveLicense is not called when the application is working with the Online license validation.

How to implement online license validation on CLI

To use the online license validation on any CLI goes through the following steps to modify the file main.cs:

  1. Add the new property LicenseValidationOnline and the command to use, in the class the Options to handle all available commands.

2. If the configuration parameter called "LicenseValidationOnline" is different from null (has an assigned value), the application will work with the Online license validator otherwise, the Offline validation process will be executed. If in any case you want to use the convert method directly from the CLI, use the optional parameter called "LicenseKey" to indicate that the validation must be executed online (LicenseKey != null) or offline (LicenseKey == null).

 private static void Convert(Cli cli, Options options, Dictionary<string, string> additionalParameters, ExecutionMode? executionMode)
     if (options.LicenseValidationOnline != null)
          cli.Convert(InputType.Directory, options.InputPath, options.OutputPath, executionMode.Value, additionalParameters, options.LicenseValidationOnline);
            cli.Convert(InputType.Directory, options.InputPath, options.OutputPath, executionMode.Value, additionalParameters);

3. Now the new function Convert could be use when the execution mode have a valid value, for example:

How to use the Online License Validation from CLI.

The Online License Validation sent the parameters of input, output and licenseKey at the same time and It is in charge of validating the license and executing the scanners, and returning the successful result or any possible error that may occur. Unlike the Offline validation that first validates the installed license and then the validation of the inputs for the execution of the scanners in different steps.

Follow the next steps:

1-Open a cmd terminal and execute the DUmmyProductCLI.exe together with the parameter -i with input path, -o of output path and -v with the license key number for online validation.

2- Wait for the execution of the CLI and the result

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