File structure conventions
Every component file name should be:
[ ControlName ].component.ts
Every template file name should be:
[ ControlName ].compoment.html
Every style file name should be:
[ ControlName ].compoment.css
Every spec file name should be:
[ ControlName ].compoment.spec
Every service file name should be:
[ ServiceName ].service.ts
Single responsibility
Rule of One (Style 01-01)
Define one thing ( service, component ), per file.
Limit to 400 lines of code per file.
Small functions (Style 01-02)
Limit to 75 lines of code per function.
General Naming Guidelines (Style 02-01)
see File structure conventions
Separate file names with dots and dashes (Style 02-02)
Use Dashes to separate words in the descriptive name.
Symbols and file names (Style 02-03)
Use upper camel case for class names.
Match the name of the symbol with the name of the file.
Append the symbol name with the conventional suffix(such as Component, Directive, Module, Pipe, Service).
Give the filename the conventional suffix (such as .component.ts, .directive.ts, .module.ts, .pipe.ts, or .service.ts) for a file of that type.
Symbol Name
File Name
export class ListPrimengComponent { }
export class ComboBoxPrimengComponent { }
export class HeroListComponent { }
export class UserProfileService { }
Service names (Style 02-04)
Use suffix a service class name with service.
You can use a service name without the suffix if the name ends with -er. For example, logger.
Symbol Name
File Name
export class HeroDataService { }
export class CreditService { }
export class Logger { }
Bootstrapping (Style 02-05)
Put bootstrapping and platform logic for the app in a file named main.ts
Include error handling in the bootstrapping logic.
Directive Selectors (Style 02-06)
Use lower camel case for naming the selectors of directives.
Custom prefix for components (Style 02-07)
Use a hyphenated, lowercase element selector value. 'wm' means WebMap.
Custom prefix for directives (Style 02-08)
Use a custom prefix (wm) for the directive selector. 'wm' means WebMap.
spell non-element selectors in lower camel case unless the selector is meant to match a native HTML attribute.
For example:
Pipe names (Style 02-09)
Use consistent names for all pipes, named after their feature.
Symbol Name
File Name
export class EllipsisPipe implements PipeTransform { }
Angular NGModule names (Style 02-12)
Append the symbol name with the suffix Module.
give the file name the .module.ts extension.
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