
Client Helpers (Basic Features)

  • Updated frontend helpers to work with this latest versions using Angular and Kendo UI Components for Angular.

Web Server (Basic Features)

  • Support for ASP.Net Core applications

  • Data-Query: Mechanism to Query for specific data to the WebServer using ASP.Net Core WebAPI.

C# Language support

  • C# 5 Syntax is fully supported

Application State

  • Memory Management Automatic memory management on web environments

  • Static Members Support for static elements on web environments

  • Basic Collections Support Support for List and Dictionary and data queries for frontend support.

  • Model Synchronization Moving data between the backend and the frontend, introduction to Mappers and Data Transfer Objects(DTO).

  • Serialization: Persist the state of object between requests allows the system to unload unneeded objects from memory.

  • Error Handling: WebMAP Core Services offers a mechanism to report and handle exceptions

Web Server:

User Interaction

  • Desktop Compatibility Platforms: This layer allows WebMAP5 to support different technologies, for example WinForms or Power Builder. These Desktop Compatibility Platforms consist of all the Models, Event Handler Mechanism, Mappers, DTOs, Error Handling, Server Commands and Observable Wrappers needed for each technology. Each DCP is pluggable so different desktop layers can be supported by the same WebMAP Core Services layer. At the moment just the Windows Forms platform is supported, and the Power Build being under construction.

  • Modal Dialog: The WebMAP Core Services provide a mechanism that allows for the server to stop the execution of a request and wait for a response from the user and then continue with the execution of the previous request.


  • The debugging experience is improved by hiding WebMAP Core Services tasks from the user application code, and leaving the original Bussiness logic unmodified.

  • Loggin: An extensible logging mechanism is provided by WebMAP. This eases the debugging process, allowing to easily pinpoint a problem.

Weaving on WebMAP5

  • On WebMAP 5, weaving is leveraged to perform some of the changes required so the code can be run on web environments.

By weaving we mean a process that can insert or modify the application code during the compilation process, but in a way that the developers do not have to worry about these modifications, and also in a way that can improve performance, compared with others interception solutions, because it will add little overhead during runtime.

How does Weaving Work?

A program that takes source, and modifies it by inserting aspect-specific logic at joint points. The result are sections of non-visible code in the original code that are executed during runtime.

The point is to keep the modifications required to interact with WebMAP Core Services. To know where and what should we weave into, attributes are used as markers and during the weaving analyzer process the class meta data is recollected and determine the elements that need to be generated.

Last updated

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