In this section you will find Errors that the FrontEnd Framework may arise.
The errors message structure has two parts, the first one is the code and the second one the class and method where the exception has been thrown, the next example shows how it should looks:
It's important to take into account that a complete log with a stack and full message will be shown in the developer tools log.
The error codes of the framework are a combination of two different codes, the first one refers to the module where the error has been thrown, this taking into account three base modules (ClientCore, AngularClient, BaseComponents) and WFNetKendoComponents, on other hand, the second one refers to the type of error.
Module Codes
As the past paragraph mentioned, this is the first part of the whole error code, there are four, as the number is greater it means the error has been thrown in a more external module, so for instance we have the next hierarchy:
Error type Codes
Inside the framework are two usual types of errors, this being the next ones:
For instance there are three codes, this taking into account the not usual errors, the next table shows them:
Error type
Other errors
Errors fixing
The errors mentioned before are the more usual, so as usual issues they have usual fixes, and in this section we will see some of them.
This type of errors refers to problems with models, usually a property misspelled, missing properties or errors in the response structure, in case you want to check the response structure you'll find it here, on other hand you can check for more information of components and their properties here
So to fix this, first check the exact location where the errors has been thrown (Errors structure), once this is done, you'll be able to debug in the place to get the exact model that is getting the error, on other hand is important to take into account that a complete message with a stack will be shown in the developer's tools log.
This type of errors refers to problems with models IDs, this means that sometimes an ID is wrong so it cannot find their correct reference or an ID of a deleted model doesn't exist so it is trying to delete a non existent model, in this cases a ReferenceError is thrown because of the null reference.
So to fix this, first check the exact location where the errors has been thrown (Errors structure), once this is done, you'll be able to debug in the place to get the exact model that is getting the error and the exact ID, on other hand is important to take into account that a complete message with a stack will be shown in the developer's tools log.
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