Protocol behavior
There are some properties of the controls that are designed to give style to the control that is going to be shown in the interface. In WebMAP5, these properties are going to be sent through the JSON protocol.The models will contain a section called Style
where only the style properties will be sent. If there is a property of style, the property is added to the Style section:
Pending optimizations
In this section only the changes that have occurred in a style property will be sent.
The default values and those created in the designer, should not travel through this protocol, since they were created through the CSS.
If no property was changed, the
section should not be sent.
Front-end process
When the style
section is sent in the JSON, this section is processed by the webmap core and included as a property of the model that is stored in the application buffer on the client side. Since the angular components have access to the model, as a consequence, they will also have access to the style property.
In Angular there is a directive called ngStyle
used to modify the style properties of the component. To use this directive, you just need to write [ngStyle]="funtion()"
it in the component's html. For example:
By default, the control
class (class usually extended in the components) has a property called style
that is of type Style
. The Style
class have a method called update()
. Every change you make, will be processed and saved in the style
property through the update function. For example:
The update
method is called within the function that was assigned in the ngStyle
directive, so whenever the directive is called, it is checked for changes in the style property and the style of the component is updated.
Custom Style class
Sometimes, the style
property, which is by default, is not enough for all the components, but a specialization is needed. For example, the button, which in its html, Kendo adds a few styles by default, which avoids that when setting the background-color property, the color is not reflected in the component, so you have to make a special treatment.
In this case, you can write your custom Style
class, and use it in your component. You just need to extend the class from baseComponent\controlComponent\style.ts
and overwrite or add your specific functionality.
For example, ButtonStyle
, is a class used to override the property background-image
. When the update
method call the setBackgroundImage
method, it will verify if the background-color
was set before to make a decision.
To register the new class and overwrite the inherited control you need to implement the OnInit
lifehook, and call the super first, then you can set the Style
in this way: = new StyleClass();
. For example:
Then when the update method calls SetBackgrounImage
it will use the method defined in ButtonStyle class
instead of using the one in Style class
, for everything else, it will use whatever is in Style class
Version Information
Available since 5.2
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