Release Notes
WebMAP: WebForms to Web is a tool designed to convert .NET Framework apps based on C# and ASP.NET WebForms applications to a modern web architecture.
2.0.0 - Beta version
Component's version for this release:
WebForms Components version 2.0.14
WebForms BundleBasic version 1.10.6
WFNet DCP version 9.13.1
WFNetKendoComponents version 8.3.3
Upgrade to use Angular 13 packages for target applications, this due to the long-term support of Angular versions for the converted applications.
Assessment improvements for accurate process of evaluation, add stub filtering new rules to evaluate more nodes of the source code than ASP and been able to read more nodes information.
Add new value in assessment Status column report output, value 2 means HTML elements that were not mapped and that code will be part of the output as it is in source code.
Net 6 update to add support a new framework and it is in a long-term support, due to the current support for .Net 5 is over.
Added mapping of the rangevalidator control.
Added implementation of the range validator.
Added support to configure SortingActionService for WebForms.
Add entity framework reference.
Remove dependency in Kendo Editor, to fix npm installation issues and stabilize RichTextBox basic implementation.
Fixed image and hyperlink controls.
1.2.0 - Beta version
Component’s version for this release:
Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic.All: 9.12.4
Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic.WebForms.All: 1.10.4
Winforms-components: 7.54.9
Webforms-components: 1.27.12
Assessment improvements for accurate process of evaluation, add stub filtering new rules to evaluate more nodes of the source code than ASP and been able to read more nodes information.
Add new value in assessment Status column report output, value 2 means HTML elements that were not mapped and that code will be part of the output as it is in source code.
Net 6 update to add support a new framework and it is in a long-term support, due to the current support for .Net 5 is over.
Added mapping and implementation of range validator control.
Added support to configure SortingActionService for WebForms.
Entity Framework references supported.
Remove dependency in Kendo Editor, to fix npm installation issues and stabilize RichTextBox basic implementation.
Fixed image and hyperlink controls behavior.
🎉Initial release!
WebForms conversion UI
Implemented features:
Data Synchronization
Cookies authentication support
Supported files:
Back-end code classes *.cs
ASP HTML files *.aspx
ASP Back-end classes *.apsx.cs
ASP User Control file *.ascx
ASP User Control Back-end classes *.ascx.cs
Last updated
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