Our conversion tool supports .NET 5 . This allow your converted solution to be compiled and executed on any platform supported by .NET 5.
NOTE: Some clients might be interested in performing a "Double Jump Migration" (and application migrated first with the VBUC or from VBNet). This is totally possible but there are some additional considerations, please contact us for further information on this scenarios.
Execute your application on Linux
Node js 14.x, you can find a guide according your Linux OS Here.
DotNet SDK version 8.0, you can find a guide to install it according your Linux OS Here.
DotNet runtime support with AspNet, version 5.0, you can find a guide to install it according your Linux OS Here.
Compile and Run
Compile your angular site:
a. Open a terminal
b. Go to the angular's folder location.
c. npm config set "@mobilize:registry" "https://packages.mobilize.net/npm/mobilizenet-npm/"
d. npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
e. Execute npm install
f. Execute npm run build
Go to your main project and Execute dotnet run --project .csproj
Execute your application on MAC OS
Node js 16.x, you can find a guide according your MAC OS Here.
DotNet SDK version 6.0 and 8.0, you can find a guide to install it according your MAC OS Here.
DotNet runtime support with AspNet, version 5.0, you can find a guide to install it according your MAC OS Here.
Compile and Run
Compile your angular site:
a. Open a terminal
b. Go to the angular's folder location.
c. npm config set "@mobilize:registry" "https://packages.mobilize.net/npm/mobilizenet-npm/"
d. npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/
e. Execute npm install --force
f. Execute npm run build
Go to your main project and Execute dotnet run --project .csproj
Note: To ensure your installed version of DotNet SDK and runtime support, you can execute the following commands: dotnet --list-runtimes
and dotnet --list-sdks
.The result of those command should be dotnet runtime, sdk and AspNet listed with version 5.
Last updated
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