Angular Client

Stable version (Current Version: v12.0.0)


  1. Updated angular packages:

    1. @angular-devkit/build-angular: Updated to version 16.2.14

    2. @angular-devkit/schematics: Updated to version 16.2.14

    3. @angular-eslint/builder: Updated to version 16.3.1

    4. @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin: Updated to version 16.3.1

    5. @angular-eslint/schematics: Updated to version 16.3.1

    6. @angular/animations: Updated to version 16.2.12

    7. @angular/cli: Updated to version 16.2.14

    8. @angular/common: Updated to version 16.2.12

    9. @angular/compiler: Updated to version 16.2.12

    10. @angular/compiler-cli: Updated to version 16.2.12

    11. @angular/core: Updated to version 16.2.12

    12. @angular/forms: Updated to version 16.2.12

    13. @angular/language-service: Updated to version 16.2.12

    14. @angular/localize: Updated to version 16.2.12

    15. @angular/material: Updated to version 16.2.14

    16. @angular/platform-browser: Updated to version 16.2.12

    17. @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: Updated to version 16.2.12

    18. @angular/router: Updated to version 16.2.12

    19. ng-packagr: Updated to version 16.2.3

  2. Requires node.js v16 or v18.


  1. Updated angular packages:

    1. @angular-devkit/build-angular: Updated to version 15.2.10

    2. @angular-devkit/schematics: Updated to version 15.2.10

    3. @angular-eslint/builder: Updated to version 15.2.1

    4. @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin: Updated to version 15.2.1

    5. @angular-eslint/schematics: Updated to version 15.2.1

    6. @angular/animations: Updated to version 15.2.10

    7. @angular/cli: Updated to version 15.2.10

    8. @angular/common: Updated to version 15.2.10

    9. @angular/compiler: Updated to version 15.2.10

    10. @angular/compiler-cli: Updated to version 15.2.10

    11. @angular/core: Updated to version 15.2.10

    12. @angular/forms: Updated to version 15.2.10

    13. @angular/language-service: Updated to version 15.2.10

    14. @angular/localize: Updated to version 15.2.10

    15. @angular/material: Updated to version 14.2.7

    16. @angular/platform-browser: Updated to version 15.2.10

    17. @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: Updated to version 15.2.10

    18. @angular/router: Updated to version 15.2.10

    19. ng-packagr: Updated to version 15.2.2

  2. Updated typescript to version 4.9.5

  3. Updated @mobilize/webmap-core to version 11.0.0


  1. Updated angular packages:

    1. @angular-devkit/build-angular: Updated to version 14.2.11

    2. @angular-devkit/schematics: Updated to version 14.2.11

    3. @angular-eslint/builder: Updated to version 14.4.0

    4. @angular-eslint/eslint-plugin: Updated to version 14.4.0

    5. @angular-eslint/schematics: Updated to version 14.4.0

    6. @angular/animations: Updated to version 14.3.0

    7. @angular/cli: Updated to version 14.2.11

    8. @angular/common: Updated to version 14.3.0

    9. @angular/compiler: Updated to version 14.3.0

    10. @angular/compiler-cli: Updated to version 14.3.0

    11. @angular/core: Updated to version 14.3.0

    12. @angular/forms: Updated to version 14.3.0

    13. @angular/language-service: Updated to version 14.3.0

    14. @angular/localize: Updated to version 14.3.0

    15. @angular/material: Updated to version 14.2.7

    16. @angular/platform-browser: Updated to version 14.3.0

    17. @angular/platform-browser-dynamic: Updated to version 14.3.0

    18. @angular/router: Updated to version 14.3.0

    19. ng-packagr: Updated to version 14.2.2

  2. Updated typescript to version 4.7.2

  3. Updated @mobilize/webmap-core to version 9.0.0


  1. UpdateSessionExpiredModal to develop ( #44130 ).

  2. Event renamed from 'DetectChanges' to 'detectChanges'.

  3. Add BringToFrontCommand.

  4. Added no-cache to WebAPI Header request to avoid IE cache responses.

  5. Trigger change detection after fetch execution.


  1. Updated npm script to generate documentation.

  2. Updated documentation packages with a version that fixes typedoc generation.

  3. GridPagination to develop.

  4. feature/LoadingModal.

  5. Added injection provider for non-class dependency 'WebMapServiceConfig'.

  6. Service configuration is optional for the dependency injection.

  7. Function to get default service configuration is now public.

  8. PerformanceImprovement.

  9. Added initial version of DocFx documentation.

  10. Bug fix:

    1. Fixed pending response functionality to send the correct request header.

Latest version (Current Version: v5.0.2-rc0027)


  1. Update the core reference.


  1. Bug fix:

    1. AntiForgery Does not Work on IExplorer ( #51380 )


  1. Bug fix:

    1. Update "typedocs" in package.json


  1. Bug fix:

    1. Fix Quality Gate Issues in Angular Project ( #51707 )


  1. Bug fix:

    1. Fix Quality Gate Issues in Angular Project ( #51707 )


  1. Bug fix:

    1. Fix Quality Gate Issues in Angular Project ( #51707 )


  1. Bug fix:

    1. Remove httpServer, due to problems in IE11 ( #51380 )


  1. Organize Documentation distribution ( #37411 )


  1. [Security] AntiForgery Token ( #32606 )

Last updated