Desktop Compatibility Platform (DCP)

WebForms DCP

This component in general is an extension of Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic that Includes the support of controls, helper, mappers and behaviors from the WebForms platform on your converted web application. Also, it contemplates what is the purpose of several features added in the currently supported platforms to allow us to have a native web interaction equivalent for a WebForms application.

For a better understanding of this section, we recommend that each user first visit and read the section DCP: Desktop Compatibly Platform

The WebForms's DCP includes the following three projects:

  • Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic.WebForms: This project contains model patterns and other mechanisms that allow the management of the visual structure in the web client on the server.

  • Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic.WebForms.DTO: This project contains transfer patterns and other controls that allow us to send or receive client-server-client information.

  • Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic.WebForms.Task: This project is used as a common dependency for the Mobilize.Web.BundleBasic.All package update.


The BundleBasic.WebForms (WebForms DCP) library contains Control Models, GUI Life cycle mechanism, Application State mechanism, among others that are vital to keep the original application behavior in the back-end of the converted code.

The WebForms DCP package also provides a series of mechanisms designed to emulate specific behaviors that are natively implemented by the WebFoms framework, such as:

  • DataBinder: A mechanism that allows managing the handling of values through bindings from the client to the server or vice versa, thus achieving an equivalent behavior.

  • LoadPageCommand: A mechanism that allows controlling the management of binding values of the client - server - client, thus achieving an equivalent behavior.

  • Cache: Object that allows us to have a temporary storage like WebForms usable in the WebMap platform.

The following list enumerates the currently supported controls from the WebForms platform on this project:


This project includes all the data transfer objects used to send the data from the server to the client, the Mobilize.Web.DataTransfer.WebControl is used by default, a list of them follows:

Contains the following list of controllers:

List of mappers:

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