Adding a component dynamically

WebMap provides a built-in mechanism to new controls during the runtime execution without having to directly modify the front-end layer of the application, however, this mechanism has some requirements that need to be met.

  • The control must not be declared in the front-end application.

    • Its name must be unique.

  • The Add container logic must be invoked outside the InitializeComponent method.

  • The following properties are strictly necessary:

    • Name

    • Position (Top, Left)

    • Size (Width, Height)

  • The control must exist in both the front-end components and the back-end models.

To know the more about the currently supported front-end controls please visit this section.

Adding a new control step by step

To be able to add a new control dynamically the following steps must be made.

Step 1. Adjust the current container to allocate the new control.

This process could be made in both the back-end application by directly modifying its source code or in the front-end by applying style changes. For this scenario the modification will be directly applied in the back-end application.

In this case the new logic will be added into the application constructor.

public Form1()
    this.Load += (obj, e) => this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(this.Size.Width + 150, this.Size.Height);

The result of the code modification will be reflected into the application the next time the back-end gets compiled.

Step 2. Once the control container has been modified accordingly, it is time to add a new instance for the desired control.

For the following example a new method (CreateNewButton) will be added, this method contains the necessary logic to create a new button instance, including its required properties needed to render in the front-end.

Note: the name property needs to be unique.

private void newButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
    /*…some logic…*/;

private Mobilize.Web.Button CreateNewButton()
    return new Mobilize.Web.Button
        Size = new System.Drawing.Size(85, 25),
        Top = 10,
        Left = this.Size.Width,
        Name = "NewButton",
        Text = "New dynamic button",
        Click = new EventHandler(newButton_Click)

Step 3. Lastly the only remaining step is to add the newly created control into the list of the current controls included in its container

public Form1()
    this.Load += (obj, e) => this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(this.Size.Width + 150, this.Size.Height);

Step 4. Compile the back-end code and the new control should now be available to use.

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